
nucleon n.【物、化】核子,單子。


In order to make the theoretical calculation feasible , we first obtain an analytical formalism of partial integrals with respect to the coordinates of the core and target in the phase - shift functions and their cross terms of scattering matrix elements , if the density distributions of the core and target are fitted to a few gaussian forms . then the rest multidimensional integrals with respect to the impact parameter and coordinates of halo nucleons are performed by a monte carlo method 為使理論計算變得可行,我們在核芯和靶核密度采用多個高斯分布擬合的情況下,解析求解了各個散射矩陣元中的光學相移函數及交叉項含有的與暈核核芯、靶核密度分布有關的積分;同時對與碰撞參數和暈核子坐標有關的積分(八重以上,并且積分維數隨暈核子數很快增加)采用蒙特卡洛方法計算。

Owing to adopting the ae - e method in identification of particles and modified fast response electronics system in data acquisition and processing unit , the spectrometer can be used to simultaneously or separately detect the fluxes and spectra of protons with energy of 1 - 200 mev , alpha particles with energy of 1 - 200 mev / u ( nucleon ) , oxygen ions with energy of 1 . 7 - 496 mev / u and iron ions with energy of 2 . 5 mev - 1 . 0 gev / u 利用這套裝置可探測的粒子的種類和能量分別如下:質子,能量范圍為1 - 200mev ;粒子,能量范圍為1 - 200mev u ;氧離子,能量范圍為1 . 7 - 496mev u ;鐵離子,能量范圍為2 . 5mev - 1 . 0gev u 。利用粒子、質子、氧離子、鐵離子四種單能粒子對該望遠鏡系統和電子學系統進行性能測試和能量刻度。

In this paper , the color dipole approach in the target rest frame is presented and the ratio of the drell - yan cross section per nucleon for an 800 gev proton beam incident on a variety of nuclear targets are calculated and the results are compared with fermilab e772 and e866 experimental data . it is shown that without considering the energy loss effect , the calculated results can fit rather well with experimental data 本文介紹了靶靜止系中色偶極模型,用色偶極模型計算了800gev質子與原子核碰撞的drell - yan過程的微分截面比,并與e772和e866實驗結果進行了比較。發現:不考慮能量損失,只計及p - a碰撞中的遮蔽效應,理論結果就與實驗符合的很好。

This article analyses the two methods of calculating nucleon - nucleus cross section , points out their characteristics and presents a new idea for combining tow methods so that we can find a new way to calculate the nucleon - nucleus cross section for whole energy range 摘要通過對核子核反應截面的兩種計算方法進行對比和分析,指出各自的特點和計算中存在的困難,在此基礎上,提出將兩種計算方法結合起來的設想,希望能解決整個能區內核子核反應截面的計算問題。

Since in the few - body glauber theory the core and valence nucleons of a halo nucleus are treated separately , the obtained expressions of the reaction cross section , the nucleon removal cross section and the momentum distribution are all involved in multidimensional integrations 由于在少體近似glauber模型中暈核被分成核芯和暈核子來處理,所以得到的暈中國原子能科學研究院博士學位論文核散射反應截面、核子逃逸截面以及動量分布的計算公式均包含高重積分。

After our careful analysis , we find that there are finite part which is temperature dependent in this zero - point energy . so we have separated this part and discussed its influence to the effective nucleon mass . the result shows that this part has remarkable contribution at high temperature 但經仔細分析會發現,零點能中含有與溫度相夫的有限部分,我ilte它分離出來并討論了其xde子有效質量的影響,發現在高溫下,這一零點s眶正有著顯著的貢獻

Together with the rapid progress of relativistic nucleon - nucleon collisions , many phenomenological models were built up and hope that those models can give reasonable explanation of the existed experimental results and give reasonable prediction for the forthcoming experiments 在相對論性核一核碰撞實驗迅速發展的同時,許多唯象理論模型也相繼建立,通過模擬計算,以期給實驗結果以合理的物理解釋,并對將來的實驗作出預言。

Recently a few - body glauber theory has been proposed , where the core and halo nucleons are treated separately . we apply the few - body glauber theory to halo nucleus reactions and extend it to the halo nucleus with more than one or two halo nucleons 研究暈核反應時需要考慮暈核各個組成部分之間的空間關聯,對此我們應用將暈核核芯和暈核子分開處理的少體近似glauber模型,并且將其推廣到了含有多個暈核子的暈核散射。

There are charge distribution of the nucleons a which is not a point , thus , in our invariant amplitude the form factor of nucleons a will come spontaneously , the cross section will be much imfluenced by the form factor 由于在反應中原子核a為有大小電荷分布的粒子而不是點粒子,從而在計算不變振幅過程中會出現形狀因子,這會對所計算的散射截面有很大的影響。

In p - a drell - yan process , the incident quark will experience multiple collisions with different nucleons in the nucleus , which leads to the suppressed drell - yan cross section , in another words , the nuclear shadowing effect 在靶靜止系,對于p - a碰撞的drell - yan過程,入射夸克要與原子核中的不同核子發生多次碰撞,使得總的微分截面被壓低,這就是遮蔽效應。

Because of the non - abelian feature of strong interaction theory , it can not describe non - perturbative effect , so phenomenological models provide the main study method for relativistic nucleon - nucleon collisions 由于強相互作用理論的非abelian性,它不能定量描述非微擾效)許,所以唯象理論模型是目前研究相對論性核一核碰撞的主要斤法之。

The first aspect is that , in qhd - i model , it is generally accepted that there is a first - order liquid - gas phase transition , but the properties of effective nucleon mass under this phase transition have n ' t been thoroughly studied 第一個方面,采用qhd -模型,可得出核物質在低溫下會有一個汽液相變,其它的強子模型也都能給出這一相變。

Both the reaction and nucleon removal cross section are derived with or without considering the meson production , and the relevant expressions are given 討論了有和無介子產生兩種情況下的暈核散射反應截面和核子逃逸截面,給出了相應的計算公式。

By introducing the nonlinear coupling constant . zm model has improved the effective nucleon mass indeed . but the physics mechanism is not deeply disclosed 通過引人非線性的耦合淑的確齦子的有效譴雕u了改善,但改善的機理沒有被深入的揭示

Usually it is considered to have a few - body structure , which is composed of a core and valence nucleons with a large diffused density distribution Glauber理論是當前分析暈核反應得到暈核結構和密度分布信息的主要理論工具之一,并且廣為使用。

The third aspect : as is known , the main reason of proposing zm model is to improve the properties of effective nucleon mass in qhd - i model 第三個方面, z翩的提出主要是為了解決qhd中核子有效質量在高溫下的陡降問題

Utilizing this model , the distributions of valence nucleons are calculated for some light nuclei . some new halo or skin states are predicted 利用該模型,計算了一些輕核外層核子的分布,預言了一些尚未發現的暈、皮核態。

The total binding energy of a nucleus is defined as the energy that would be required to separate the nucleus into separate nucleons 換句話說,獨立核粒子結合組成一個原子核,就會釋放出相等于該原子核的總結合能的能量。

The theoretical formularies of invary amplitude , the form factor of nucleons a and differential cross sections are given about this process 我們寫出了原子核a的形狀因子以及此類反應的散射振幅和微分截面理論公式。