
nuclei n.nucleus 的復數。


The atomic nucleus itself is far from insignificant in the grand scheme of things . 原子核本身對事物的重大結構遠不是微不足道的。

Electrons in atoms are visualized as diffuse clouds surrounding the nucleus . 原子中的電子可以想像為彌漫在原子核周圍的電子云。

Starch can be removed by gently scraping the nuclei from the underlying starch . 從下面的淀粉上輕輕刮去細胞核就可以去掉淀粉。

The neocytoplasm and the engulfed free nuclei migrate towards the base of the egg . 新細胞質及其包著的游離核遷移到卵的基部。

Let us think of an electron as a wave extending in a circle around the nucleus . 我們不妨把電子看成是一個繞原子核展開的波。

In this process the nucleus breaks up into two intermediate-sized nuclei . 在這種過程中,那個原子核分裂成兩個中等大小的核。

Alpha particles emitted by radioactive nuclei have energies of a few mev . 由放射性原子核發射出的粒子能量一般為幾個Mev。

The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei . 電子云就象環繞著看不見的核的一片云霧。

The chalazal parts of the endosperm containing free nuclei forms several lobes . 包含游離核的合點端胚乳部分形成幾個裂片。

There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle-rich cytoplasm . 在富含細胞器的細胞質中,有許多變形核。

The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical . 雌配子體中的極核和卵核遺傳上是同一的。

The repulsive forces exerted by the protons loosen the structure of the nucleus . 質子施加的斥力使原子核的結構松弛。

Radioactivity is the ejection of particles or radiation from the nucleus . 放射性是原子從核中射出粒子或輻射的現象。

The nucleus decays into three particles which go off in separate directions . 這個核衰變成飛向不同方向的三個粒子。

The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation . 剩余核一般說來將發生一次放射性衰變。

The nucleus decay into three particles which go off in separate directions . 這個核衰變成飛向不同方向的三個粒子。

Much of what we know about nuclei comes through scattering experiments . 我們現在對原子核的許多認識來自散射實驗。

They do not have a nuclear membrane and so no discrete nucleus . 原核體細胞沒有核膜,因此也沒有界限分明的細胞核。

The deuteron can fuse with another proton to make a helium 3 nucleus . 氘核可以和另一個質子聚合以生成一個氦3核。