
nuclear adj.1.核的,成核的;有核的。2.【物理學】原子核的...

nuclear bomb

A conventional skirmish would escalate into a nuclear exchange . 傳統的小規模戰斗更有可能逐步升級為核戰爭。

On aug. 6, 1945, a nuclear bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan . 1945年8月6日,一顆原子彈投在日本的廣島。

Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects . 原子核大小的影響與核力的影響糾纏在一起。

There is no indication of an imminent revival of nuclear orders . 沒有跡象表明還會出現定購核電站的新熱潮。

Changes of nuclear mass and nuclear size cause isotope shifts . 原子核質量和大小的不同引起同位素移動。

Thermonuclear reactions are, quite literally, nuclear burning . 熱核反應,通俗地說,就是原子核燃燒。

Werner heisenberg advanced a theory of nuclear composition. w . 海森堡提出一個關于原子核組成的理論。

Nuclear explosions have released radiative particles into the sea . 核爆炸向海洋釋放了放射性粒子。

The nuclear membrane invaginates and lysosomes are internalized . 核膜內陷,于是溶酶體被內在化。

Nuclear buildup was unlike any other arms race in history . 核力量的增長不象歷史上任何軍備競賽。

Information on nuclear radius comes from a variety of sources . 關于原子核半徑的知識有各種來源。

Nuclear theory was not refined enough to deal with it . 原子核理論還沒有完善到足以處理這個問題。

Like kennedy, he mused about the perils of nuclear war . 同肯尼迪一樣,他念念不忘核戰爭的危險。

We shall continue to work for the limitation of nuclear arms . 我們將繼續為限制核子武器而努力。

We conduct a computer simulation of the nuclear reaction . 我們進行了一次對核反應的計算機模擬。

It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war . 核戰爭的恐怖狀況連想都不敢想。

Nuclear fusion is the energy source that keeps the sun alive . 核聚變是使太陽保持活力的能源。

In nuclear resonance, the nucleus is disturbed by motions . 在核共振中核子受到運動的干擾。

I do not go along with her views on nuclear disarmament . 我不同意她在核裁軍問題上的看法。