nubbin n.1.小塊,小片。2.〔美國〕玉蜀黍的小穗[發育不全的...
n. 1.小塊,小片。 2.〔美國〕玉蜀黍的小穗[發育不全的穗];發育不全的東西。 “nubbin cut of machine“ 中文翻譯: 割頭機“nubbin cut off machine“ 中文翻譯: 割頭機“nubayjah“ 中文翻譯: 努拜杰“nubari cotton“ 中文翻譯: 努巴里棉“nubble“ 中文翻譯: n. 小(煤)塊;瘤子,癤子。 nubbly adj. 多瘤的,多癤的;塊狀的。 “nubara island“ 中文翻譯: 努巴拉島“nubbly“ 中文翻譯: 多瘤的; 塊狀的; 瘤狀的“nubar“ 中文翻譯: 努巴爾“nubby“ 中文翻譯: adj. (-bier; -biest) 塊狀的;瘤多的;癤多的;(表面)有結子花的。 a nubby fabric 結子花織品。 n. -biness “nuban“ 中文翻譯: 努班
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Electric - controller is nubbin in developping . we are based on designing to structure of circuit , we are dead against in time and stabilization for controlling and communications , precision and rapidity for transformation etc . we have completed to select on microprocessor , clock - frequency and a / d transfer . it carry out transformation for valve position signal , and select on solid - switch ac 在控制器的電路結構設計的基礎上,考慮到通訊、控制的及時、穩定、轉換的精度和速度等幾方面,主要完成對微處理器的選擇、時鐘頻率和a d轉換器的選用,閥位變送功能的實現,固態交流開關和顯示器的選擇等。 |
The result indicates that the number of piriform gland spigot and aciniform gland spigot , with or without nubbin and cylindrical gland spigot , the number of cylindrical gland spigots , etc . are different in the three families . the trichobothrial sockets of species are different in the shape of the depression and the number of wrinkles on their surface 各科內屬間紡管的區別主要表現為:前側紡器小穗的有無和梨狀腺紡管的數量;后中紡器葡萄狀腺紡管的數量,柱狀腺紡管的數量,小穗的有無;后側紡器葡萄狀腺紡管的數量及柱狀腺紡管的數量。 |
The most ancient ? and easily the most controversial ? evidence of life on the blue planet turned up seven years ago on a tiny nubbin of land at the southwest corner of greenland ' s cold and barren island of akilia 地球這個藍色星球上,最古老的(可以想見也是最具爭議性的)生命證據在七年前發掘出來,來自格陵蘭西南角叫做阿基利亞的一小片土地。 |
However , this animal belonged to a subfamily that usually had bony nubbins a few inches long above their eyes 這種動物屬于那種在其眼睛上方有著長達數英寸的骨質瘤的恐龍的亞科。 |