nuance n.(pl.nuances ) (色彩、音調、意義、感情...
n. (pl.nuances ) (色彩、音調、意義、感情等的)細微差別,微差;細微的表情,神韻。 “individual nuance“ 中文翻譯: 獨特香調“ipl nuance“ 中文翻譯: 細微差別“nuance - patent difference“ 中文翻譯: 小差異“nuan sungai“ 中文翻譯: 努安河“nuanced“ 中文翻譯: adj. (音調、調色、意義等)有細微差別的。 “nuan mao“ 中文翻譯: 遮塵暖帽“nuanchan tangprapassorn“ 中文翻譯: 暖占當巴巴頌“nuan chun“ 中文翻譯: 有個家“nuanetsi“ 中文翻譯: 努阿內齊“nuan“ 中文翻譯: 暖“nuang gunong“ 中文翻譯: 奴安山“nuaman“ 中文翻譯: 努曼
nuanced |
There is more to mastering a language than getting the technical bits right , as we learn that nuances of a language can ' t always be learnt from a book 精通一門語言并不僅僅是掌握硬性的語法規律,語言的一些細微差別通常是叢書中所學不到的。 |
Technology for outstanding reds . from highly saturated primary colors through subtle nuances , all colors are expressed in beautiful tones 以顯明紅色再現為中心,從色度高的原色到不易再現的微妙中間色,均可以以相應的色調表現所有顏色。 |
Unfortunately these nuances are easily spoofed by an attacker so the fingerprint is not useful in making security decisions 不幸的是,這些細微的差別很容易被攻擊者偽造(原文是欺騙) ,所以這種識別方式在加強安全性上并沒有什么作用。 |
I mean , i also , i grew up listening to singers , who , a lot of jazz singers who had a lot of nuance , which you don ' t always find in pop music 我一直聽不同的歌手,有很多的爵士樂歌手有很多細微差別,這些你在流行音樂中是找不到的。 |
You can overexpose color negative film by as much as four stops to increase shadow detail and reduce contrast , without damaging highlight nuances 在彩色負片上即使過曝多達四格來增加暗部細節與減少反差也不會損失亮部的細節表現。 |
There is more to mastering a language than getting the technical bits right , as we learn that nuances of a language can ' t always be learnt from a book 語言的細微之處僅靠書是學不到的,因此掌握一門語言不僅僅是獲得專業知識 |
Our people are sensitive to colors and nuances that bring out the best in your design . trust us to ensure that your ideas are brought to life on paper 特別敏于色調和微差,令您的設計更顯出色,將您的意念想法活現于產品。 |
Crystals with only one colour are fairly rare , there mostly being various different colours and colour nuances in one and the same stone 晶體只呈現出一種顏色是十分罕見的,通常一顆晶體會呈現出兩種或兩種以上顏色。因此, |
Sure , that formula misses some important nuances ( foreign firms are , for example , doing some of their r & d in india and china ) 當然,這個公式忽略了一些重要的細微差別(比如外國公司在中國和印度進行著部分的研發工作) 。 |
The range of those nuances is quite wide , and could perhaps be compared to hotel categories , from luxury accommodation down to a plain inn or hostel 色調的范圍就好比酒店的評比,可從五星級豪華酒店到平價住宿旅館。 |
Nuance - watson reserves the right to amend the above terms and conditions , and to terminate the use of the coupon without any prior notice Nuance - watson hk保留更改以上條款及停止使用優惠券之權利而無須先行通知。 |
They don ' t all die at once and those who have damaged emotional and mental bodies get lost in the various nuances of spirit 他們全都不立刻死亡而且那些人已經損壞了情感和靈魂體喪失了靈魂的細微差別。 |
There are green tourmalines in fine leek hues , but also in intense yellowish - green , olive green and brownish - green nuances 呈現出像是綠韭蔥般優質細膩的綠,但有些卻會秀出黃綠色橄欖綠和棕綠色調。 |
Crystals of only a single colour are fairly rare ; indeed the same crystal will often display various colours and various nuances of those colours 事實上,只呈現出一種顏色的碧璽是極少數的,每顆 |
In a typical web services scenario , you normally let the tooling handle all the nuances of namespaces for you 在典型的web服務場景中,通常使用工具技術來處理命名空間的所有細微差別。 |
Real programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every real program 真正的程序員深諳指令之間的細微差別,而且非在寫的每一個程序中都體現出來不可。 |
Probably he had used that chinese word without being aware of the religious nuances inherent in that word 或許他在選用那個中文字的時候,并未體會到那個字所附帶的宗教含義。 |
There is , however , quite a bit of illustrative code from which the nuances of blitz syntax can be gleaned 然而,有不少說明性的代碼,從中可以了解blitz語法的細微差別。 |
You can create dazzling charts that show every numerical nuance of your data and your numerical creativity 您可以創建圖表以顯示數據的細微變化以及數字方面的創造力。 |