
nu n.希臘語的第十三字母 〔N, ν; 相當于英語的n〕。


The original nu river proposal , which would generate more electricity than the huge three gorges dam , has become an international controversy 原來提出的怒江大壩建議能產生出比三峽大壩更多的電力,但它已引起國際爭議。

The probelm is similar to the fax machine station id since the caller s nu mber is also shared among many users 采用此方式,與根據傳真機號分發有一樣的問題。原因是,發送的傳真機可能一樣是由很多人共享的。

A walk in either the campus of the nus or ntu will show that the number of mandarin - speaking students is no less than english - speaking ones 在國大和南大校園走一趟,不難發現講華語的人不比講英語的人少。

The nus team took first position amongst the participating universities and was awarded third overall amongst all the teams 在所有參賽隊伍中,新國大在學院賽取得了第一名,并在各人團隊賽得了的三名。

At the same time , he and xiao long nu fell in love as they are always together in the gu mu old tomb 由于楊過有出色的武功天賦,所以很快已精通古墓派的武功,而且,與小女日夕相對,漸漸產生深厚感情

Nu : xie company is engaged in the production of professional manufacturers , producing more than 300 million pairs of leather shoes 我公司是從事女鞋生產的專業廠家,年產皮鞋300多萬雙。

3 . corrected the compatible problem for can bus and no can nus for ab for w230 and w215 chassis 3 .解決了w230和w215底盤下的安全氣囊ab系統can bus類別和非can bus類別的融合問題。

This was disclosed by dr . zeng zeng , assistant professor of psychology at nus , in an interview on oct 5 上述這些話是10月5日新加坡國立大學心理學助理教授曾增博士受訪時所說的。

I ' m here to talk to you about theta nu theta . theta represents the elite in every facet of life 聽著。我們現在是舍友。拿著這個,在我找到某物之前,不要使用宿舍的廁所。

The sole effect of the cochlear implantation with nu - cleus straight electrodes on residual hearing in different frequencies 直電極人工耳蝸植入對不同頻率殘余聽力的影響

They also have to pass it in a - level examinations , which is a must if they aspire to study in nus or ntu 初院會考母語也必須及格,這是升入國大和南大深造的必要條件。

Anusara ( a - nu - sar - a ) , means “ flowing with grace , ” “ going with the flow , ” “ following your heart 阿奴薩拉,意為“優雅地流動” , “自流動而行” , “隨心而動” 。

The actual name of this family was “ an - na - nu - ki “ from the karmic archives of the human species 這樣的腦容量,允許大師比我們這個時代最偉大的科學家還更要覺知。

I ' m here to talk to you about theta nu theta . theta represents the elite in every facet of life 我來這是想和你談談狂蟒社的事。 “狂蟒社”集合了各類精英。

This is nus ' aspiration ? to be the first asian university to join the top 10 club 新加坡國立大學的愿望,就是成為加入該世界十大的第一所亞洲大學。

Nytt just nu 我正感到幸運

Incisive days nu 天誅女忍者

My name is nu hun - a 我叫盧憲阿

Tlc identification of ginseng , dried tangerine and root of herbaceous peony in nu bao capsule 女寶膠囊中人參白芍陳皮的薄層鑒別