
ntr NTR =Nuclear Test Reactor 核試...


A primarily passive role evidenced by the fact that the american press examined as a whole is consistent with the overall government attention and agenda , and specifically with government attention and stands on issues regarding china ' s mfn / ntr / pntr status and gatt / wto entry ; 2 在很大程度上,媒體在外交決策中處于被動地位。這體現在媒體總的報道量和報道內容與美國對華經貿問題的重視程度以及關注的具體問題基本一致。

The government was all along concerned with the adverse effects on hong kong ' s economy if the usa were to withdraw china ' s normal trade relations ( ntr ) trade status ( formerly known as most favoured nation trade status ) , or to impose conditions on the renewal of the status 特區政府一直憂慮美國一旦撤銷或有條件延續中國的正常貿易關系(前稱最惠國貿易)地位,會對香港經濟造成負面影響。

An article in the washington post by the secretary himself on the china ntr thing , i think that shows a little certain importance to that issue 國務卿親自在《華盛頓郵報》上就對華正常貿易關系問題發表了一篇文章。我認為這表明對這個問題給予了一定的重視。

There was concern in washington about another bruising battle over ntr last spring , coming on the heels of the ep - 3 incident 去年春季,華盛頓方面曾經擔心,緊接著ep - 3偵察機事件會再次就給予中國正常貿易關系地位問題爆發一場惡斗。

On june 3 , us president bill clinton announced his decision to renew china ' s ntr trade status unconditionally for another year 一九九九年六月三日,美國總統克林頓宣布決定無條件延續中國正常貿易關系地位一年。

Normal trade relations ( ntr ) was formerly known as most favored - nation status 正常貿易關系就是以前所謂的最惠國待遇。