nsw NSW =New South Wales 新南威爾士〔澳...
NSW =New South Wales 新南威爾士〔澳大利亞州名〕。 “marrickville nsw“ 中文翻譯: 麥里克偉利“nsw education“ 中文翻譯: 新南威爾士公立高中“nsw fisheries“ 中文翻譯: 新南威爾士州漁業局“nsw health“ 中文翻譯: 新南威爾士州健康局“nsw tafe“ 中文翻譯: 新州政府高等技術學院“art gallery of nsw“ 中文翻譯: 新南韋爾斯藝術館“nsw natural seawater“ 中文翻譯: 天然海水“state liberty of nsw“ 中文翻譯: 新南韋爾斯自由州“bānswāda“ 中文翻譯: 班斯瓦達“bānswāra“ 中文翻譯: 班士瓦拉“nsv nonautomatic self verification“ 中文翻譯: 非自動控制的自我驗證“nsv“ 中文翻譯: nsv重機槍“nsuta“ 中文翻譯: 恩蘇塔“nsurf sel nurbs“ 中文翻譯: 曲面選擇;選擇
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An individual may not refuse to testify if called before the nsw icac , however , a person called to testify may take an objection to any evidence they provide to the nsw icac being used to prosecute them 個別人士可能不會拒絕被傳召,向新南威爾斯省廉政公署作證,但被傳召作證時,他可以反對新南威爾斯省廉政公署以其提供的證供檢控自己。 |
The panel is considering an offer to purchase the design model from the water corporation of wa , which operates a desalination plant for household consumption in perth , and has sold its model to nsw 專家小組正在考慮從wa有限公司,購買設計模型,此公司在佩斯生產了為家庭消費的海水淡化工廠,并且已經將他們的設計模型賣給了新南威爾士 |
The panel is considering an offer to purchase the design model from the water corporation of wa , which operates a desalination plant for household consumption in perth , and has sold its model to nsw 專家小組考慮購買wa自來水公司的設計,模式,該公司建造了普利茅斯家庭用水的淡化工廠,而且把它的設計模式賣給了新南威爾士。 |
Obtained evidence from current and former police officers and reviewed existing records to compile and analyse case studies of nsw police officers found or assessed to have used illegal drugs 向現職及離職的警務人員收集證據和翻查現有記錄,把新南威爾士警務人員使用違禁藥物或涉嫌使用違禁藥物的個案編輯整理,詳加分析; |
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 昆蟲學家斯蒂芬?道格特主持研究新南威爾士州防病毒計劃,這個小組監控著蚊子和其攜帶的病菌,這些病菌被養殖在避蚊氨(二乙基甲苯酰胺)的環境之中。 |
The nsw icac has powers that are similar to that of a royal commission , in that individuals can be compelled to provide documentary and testimonial evidence on threat of punishment should they fail to do so 新南威爾斯省廉政公署與其他皇家專務調查委員會一樣,有權強制個別人士提供文件與證據,違者可遭懲處。 |
A ; childcare ; co - ordinator ; in ; nsw ; can ; be ; paid ; as ; little ; as ; $ 28 , 000 ; a ; year , ; and ; the ; union ; is ; campaigning ; for ; a ; rise ; to ; $ 50 , 000 , ; mr ; lloyd ; said 洛依德先生說,在新南威爾士,兒童護理協調員的年薪可以低至2萬8千澳元之低,而工會正在發起運動,把它提升到5萬元。 |
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 昆蟲學家斯蒂芬.多格特在運營一個稱之為nsw健康蟲媒病毒項目,通過監控蚊蟲發現蚊蟲身上攜帶的病毒確定是在deet (二乙基甲苯酰胺)中。 |
The pic made 64 recommendations , many of which propose policy , procedural and legislative change to strengthen nsw police s capacity to minimise illegal drug use by its officers 委員會提出了64項建議,當中不少是建議透過修訂政策、程序和法例,使新南威爾士警隊能更有效地減少警務人員使用違禁藥物的情況。 |
The panel is considering an offer to purchase the design model from the water corporation of wa , which operates a desalination plant for household consumption in perth , and has sold its model to nsw 工廠的選址依然是最大的問題,專家們并沒有排除菲利浦海灣,盡管會影響到淡化工程中鹽分的析出。 |
In may 2000 , the commission published a report following an audit of more than 600 nsw police internal investigations into serious complaints made in the period january 1997 to june 1998 該報告指出,于1997年1月至1998年6月間,新南威爾斯省警隊就超過600宗投訴警隊的嚴重指控而進行內部調查。 |
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 是推動新南威爾士健康中心蚊蟲病毒進程的昆蟲學家,他觀察到蚊蟲和其所帶病菌被牢牢鎖定在deet驅蚊劑(二乙基甲苯酰胺)中 |
Entomologist stephen doggett , who runs the nsw health arbovirus program which monitors mosquitoes and the diseases they carry is firmly in the deet ( diethyl toluamide ) camp 負責新南威爾士衛生局蟲媒病毒項目的昆蟲學家斯蒂芬?多格特贊成使用避蚊胺。該項目監控蚊子和它們自身攜帶的多種疾病。 |
Whilst in the past , briefs of evidence have been produced some time after the use of a hearing , the nsw icac will now compile a prosecution brief at the same time as running a hearing 從前,在聆訊過后才呈遞證供摘要;現在,新南威爾斯省廉政公署,會在聆訊進行期間,一并整理檢控摘要。 |
The nsw supreme court jury was told lodhi contacted him using a telephone registered in a false name and provided brigitte with a falsely registered telephone 布里奇特向新南威爾士最高法院陪審團交待過,盧迪曾用以假名注冊的電話聯系過他并且為他提供了一部以假名注冊的電話。 |
In the case of canola , as with canadian experience , observations in the field indicate that it requires high rates of sulphur , at least in southern nsw and victoria 在油菜方面,與加拿大的經驗相似,田間觀察指出需要高水平的硫,至少在新南威爾士州南部和維多利亞州是這樣。 |
While nsw police already had steps in place to address the issue of illegal drug use by its officers , the pic considered that nsw police s approach could be strengthened 新南威爾士警隊已就警務人員使用違禁藥物的問題采取了一些相應措施,而委員會相信可在這方面加強力度。 |
A comprehensive investigation into the nsw prison system . this focussed on many issues , including an allegation that prison officers assisted the escape of a high profile prisoner 全面檢討新南威爾斯省監獄制度,針對范圍廣泛,包括調查監獄職員涉嫌協助一名重刑犯越獄。 |
Centennial vineyards & winery , the premier producer in the most prestigious grape growing region in nsw , at bowral , is just 1 hour south of sydney 百年葡萄酒酒莊,是目前居澳大利亞新南威爾士葡萄種植區域內首位的葡萄酒生產制造商。博雷鎮,距離悉尼北部只有1小時路程。 |