
nsc NSC =National Security Counc...


M ethods we successfully expanded human embryonic brain - derived nsc into spheres with mitogens . the nsc were identified by immunocytochemistry method , brdu labeling and cell cloning were used to observe the proliferation ability of nsc . pdgf x t3 were separately used to induce the differetiation of nsc 方法:本實驗以胎齡為10 - 12周的人大腦皮質為材料,在體外成功誘導擴增nsc ,用免疫細胞化學方法鑒定nsc ,用brdu標記和細胞克隆分析觀察了nsc的增殖能力。

The discovering of nscs provides a possibility for the therapy of neural degeneration diseases . so far , the nscs having the capacity for multipotential differentiation have been isolated and cultivated successfully from the umbilical blood , partial regions of embryo or adult mammalian brain 神經干細胞的分離和培養為神經系統的神經性疾病的治療提供了誘人的前景,利用細胞培養技術分離神經干細胞成為近年腦科學研究的熱點之一。

After 6w , the total number of c17 . 2 increased greatly while the primary nscs decereased , they had no significant difference . at this time , most primary nscs also integrated to the parenchyma , the migrating diatance of c17 . 2 is larger than primary nscs ( p < 0 . 05 ) 2 。 6w后, c17 2的細胞總數大大增加,而原代nscs則略有下降,兩者細胞總數無明顯差別,絕大部分原代nscs也向腦實質發生了整合,但其遷移距離小于c17

Two days later ( that is , these cells had been cultured for ten days in vitro from isolation ) these cells were collected and immunocytochemistry was performed by anti - nestin to identify nscs and by anti - brdu to evaluate nscs “ proliferating capability 3 . 4ap25一35和ap25一35 +雌激素作用后細胞增殖能力檢測對照組神經干細胞brdu陽性細胞率約為50 % ;雌激素保護組及ap毒性組brdu幾乎未見陽性細胞。

Mtt value , morphological characteristics under light and electron microscopy , dna gel electrophresis results , and hoechst33342 dying results show that inosine can protect nscs against apoptosis induced by hioi significantly in a dose dependent manner 2的直接保護作用,通過mtt值的測定,光鏡及電鏡的形態觀察, hoechst33342染色后核形的觀察及dna凝膠電泳結果,發現肌昔可對hzoz誘導的c門

We receive nsc regularly for which we thank you , because its interesting materials are of great help to us here in the news items , commentary and analyses about events in the world and in former socialist countries 非常感謝,我們按時收到了《北極星》雜志,因為它在新聞、評論、對世界和前社會主義國家的分析等方面的資料很有趣,對我們幫助很大。

But the understanding of effects of gm - csf on nscs is still poor . experimental precedure 1 immunohistochemistry was applied to detect nestin - positive cells in dentate gyrus of hippocampus of rats at the first day after birth 狀回神經卜細胞鑒走、分化及6翎比砍、乃的農達方法1本實驗采用免疫組化技術觀察出生id的大鼠海馬齒狀回nostin表達。

Neural stem cells ( nscs ) are some cells that not only can maintain the capacity for self - renewal and provide plenty of cells of the cns but also can differentiate into neurons , astrocytes or oligodendrocytes 神經干細胞是指具有分化為神經元、星形膠質細胞、少突膠質細胞能力的、能自我更新并足以提供大量腦組織細胞的細胞。

Separating capability ; all compact nsc can provide up to 18ka separating capability ( type d ) . among them , compact nsc 100 can provide 10ka separating capability with type b plastic casing breaker 分斷能力:所有compactnsc均提供高至18ka的分斷能力( d型) ,其中nsc100還可以提供10ka分段能力的b型塑殼斷路器;

To initiate induction , undifferentiated escs were dissociated and replanted on none - coated tissue culture plastic dishes in nsc medium . the medium was changed ever - y other day into serum - free nsc medium 誘導分化時去飼養層細胞,重新接種于無包被的培養皿中,使用nsc培養液,逐漸更換為無血清nsc培養液。

Continuous passage of neurospheres was used to isolate , culture nscs from dentate gyrus of hippocampus of newborn rats and to observe the self - renewal of neurospheres , which were immunostained with nestin 采用神經球連續形成法從新生大鼠海馬齒狀回分離、培養神經干細胞,通過連續傳代培養觀察其自我更新能力。

These results indicate that comparing to primary nscs , c17 . 2 ca n ' t survive well in cerebrospinal fluid , but they will proliferate and migrate better once they integrate into the parenchyma 4 。這些結果顯示, ci7 2與原代nscs相比,不易在腦脊液中存活,但整合入腦實質后,它們則更易增殖并向遠處遷移。

Induced differentiation is the hot spot of nscs research all the time . among factors affecting the differentiation of nscs , egf and bfgf are the most thorough and extensive researched Ad的毒性也可為許多因子如雌激素等所拮抗,因此它們在ad的治療中發揮著重要作用。

( 3 ) we firstly prove the nucleotide sequence of human cerebrum thr a 3 . ( 4 ) different thrs were highly expressed in nsc and down - regulated once the nsc differentiate :個方向分化: u )在腦發育過程中, mr各業型呈時空性表達: ( 3 )首次證實了人大腦皮質thra 。

Materials and mehods nscs were isolated from e - 14 embryonic rat ' s brains , then cultured in serum - free medium with egf and bfgf ( 20ng / ml respectively ) as mitogens 12小時至36小時之間,死亡率上升最快: 36一48小時,死亡率幾乎不再上升,穩定在60 %左右。

In column 2 , nsc and dsc denotes nominated sub - contract arrangement and domestic sub - contract arrangement respectively for the associated building services works 第二欄內的nsc及dsc分別指由指定分包商及承建商自選的分包商進行有關的屋宇裝備工程。

This paper , based on the automation system of nsc , aims to analyze the application mode and core idea of intelligent technology of power transformation control 本文結合nsc廠站自動化系統,分析了變電控制智能化技術的應用模式及核心思想。

( 5 ) ta can induced nsc developing to oligodendrocyte . ti exerts distinct effects through the spatial and temporal expressions of different thrs mrnas 序列; ( 4 ) thr各亞型在nsc呈高表達, nsc分化后各亞型表達相對量一致下調。

Mr . laux came to the nsc from the department of commerce , where he was director of the office of china and hong kong affairs 羅氏在進入白宮國家安全會議服務之前曾任職于商務部,擔任中國及香港事務處長一九八一年至八二年間。