
nrc 短語和例子NRC =National Research ...


They also reaffirmed adherence to the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe as a cornerstone of european security , and those nrc members who are states parties to the treaty reaffirmed their determination to fulfil the commitments reflected in the final act of the 1999 conference of the states parties to the cfe treaty 在這方面,俄羅斯從2000年年中開始進行稅制改革。例如,實行世界上最低的自然人收入稅13 。此外,利潤稅從35降到24 (同時取消了這方面的一些稅收優惠政策) 。

Ministers welcomed the approach of the four non - cfe member states of the nrc , who have stated their intention to request accession to the adapted cfe treaty upon its entry into force , and agreed that their accession would provide an important additional contribution to european stability and security 在此基礎上,經濟有望走上完全不同的發展軌道,消費的增長會逐步超過投資的增長。最終任務在于形成一個穩定的、人數眾多的中產階級,使其成為新俄羅斯努力建設的“社會性國家”的基礎。

As head of the project , the scheme of a high performance san network : hvia - net based on hvia architecture is proposed the hvia - net is comprised of two components : network interface controller ( nic ) and network route controller ( nrc ) nic is a bridge between pci bus and nrc , and nrc is a 6x6 crossbar three kinds of data transfer modes that used for message passing and system area synchronizations are supported in the hvia - net 3 Hvia - net由兩部分組成:網絡接口控制器nic和網絡路由接口器nrc 。 nic是pci總線與網絡路由器之間的橋, nrc是一個6 6的交叉開關。 hvia - net支持三種數據傳輸模式,用于實現消息傳遞和系統級同步。

In london , the delegates were briefed on space - age technologies integrating robotics and the medical research projects at the university of western ontario . the delegates also visited the renowned lawson health research institute , canadas third largest research institute , and nrcs integrated manufacturing technologies institute 但是, tmd系統獨特的設計將使建筑物釋放能量并減少搖晃:它能吸收建筑結構因這些作用力所產生的能量,然后轉換給這個類似鐘擺的球形體,進而使能量消散開來。

Because of the different demarcate criterion , the types of technology alliance are different . in this part , referencing the criterion in strategic alliance classification of nrc ( national research council ) , it classified 13 types of technology alliance in different phase of technology innovation , and also analysis the advantages and shortcomings of every type of technology alliance 依據不同的標準,技術聯盟的類型有不同的劃分,該部分主要參考nrc ( nationalresearchcouncil ) 1992年對企業國際戰略聯盟的分類方法,根據技術創新活動的不同階段將技術聯盟分為13種類型,并對技術聯盟的組織形式、管理模式進行了分類和闡述。

Calling upon all cfe states parties to promote achievement of this shared goal , the nrc agreed to continue to work co - operatively toward ratification by all the states parties and entry into force of the agreement on adaptation of the cfe treaty , which would permit accession by non - cfe states 業已通過的土地法擴大了土地的市場流通,這也將有助于改善經營環境。整頓銀行系統的工作也在繼續進行,到2004年,銀行數量應當減少一半(大約減少到600家) 。

Nrc members called upon leaders in the region to continue to take concrete action to maintain peace and security and create the conditions necessary for a multi - ethnic kosovo , and expressed their determination to continue to encourage political dialogue between pristina and belgrade on the basis of unscr 1244 根據以每桶石油21 . 5美元預測價格制定的第二套方案, 2002至2004年將達到更高的指標,經濟增長率分別為3 . 7 , 4和4 . 6 。

They looked forward to the contributions the new nrc member states would make to this work , and expressed their confidence that the enlarged council would continue , in the spirit of the rome declaration , to elevate nato - russia relations to a new quality 微生物工業、印刷工業、食品工業、機械制造業、金屬加工業、化學工業、石化工業、燃料工業、建材工業增長速度最快。國家糧食收成創出新紀錄8370萬噸,比上一年增長29 。

Consent shall be signified initially by an affirmative vote of three fifths of all nrc members . in the event of a failure to reach 13 candidates for the ncc , then an affirmative vote of one half of all nrc members will be sufficient for consent 審查會先以審查會委員總額五分之三以上為可否之同意,如同意者未達十三名時,其缺額隨即以審查會委員總額二分之一以上為可否之同意。

Because the value of f has the relation with whether lr is benefit for suspect , and the method in nrc - ii is too subjective , the no . 4 chapter in this thesis introduces path analysis and isonymy to solve this problem 由于f的取值關系到計算結果是否有利于嫌疑人,而nrc -中關于f的取值過于主觀,所以第四章對如何正確度量近交系數f加以討論,介紹了通徑分析法和同姓分析法。

Within ten days after this act comes into effect , the nrc shall be formed of eleven scholars and experts whose names are submitted by parties groups proportionate to the number of seats they hold in the legislative yuan 審查會應于本法施行日起十日內,由各政黨團依其在立法院所占席次比例推薦十一名學者專家組成。

After the doe files for a construction permit , which is not expected before december 2004 , the nuclear regulatory commission ( nrc ) will have four years to rule on the repository ' s future 等到能源部申請建設批準之后(預計在2004年12月) ,美國核能管理委員會將有四年的時間對貯藏地的未來進行裁決。

Ministers reaffirmed the 4 june 2003 statement agreed by nrc foreign ministers in madrid , and they recalled nato s position on providing political assurances of restraint 截至2001年底,國家經濟得到的外國投資總額達到356億美元,但是就俄羅斯的規模來看,這個數字還微不足道。

Nrc - ii ( 1996 ) also gave several formulae but not sufficient . under hardy - weinberg equilibrium and linkage equilibrium , ws ? ( 2001 ) gave the formula of calculating match probability 曹波( 2001 )在考慮hardy - weinberg平衡法則和連鎖平衡的條件下給出了匹配概率的計算公式。

Dutch journalist and historian , geert mak , spent the last year of the 20th century traveling around the continent for his newspaper , nrc handelsblad 荷蘭記者兼歷史學家戈特?馬克任職于《新鹿特丹商業報》 ,于上世紀的最后一年中游歷歐洲大陸。

However , it is important to note that the 1989 nrc requirements for calf starters assume that “ hay ” should be offered to calves in addition to starters 然而,需要指出的是:在1989版的nrc中,強調干草也是除犢牛料外犢牛必需的營養物質。

The montreal program included company presentations , a visit to the biotechnology research institute at nrc and site tours to laval biotechnology park 先進的建筑結構將使大樓能承受最強度的地震以及每秒60公尺以上的強風。

The premier shall present a list of candidates based on the consent list provided by the nrc within seven days of receiving it 行政院院長應于七日內依審查會通過同意之名單提名,并送立法院同意后即任命之。

The national response center ( nrc ) is the sole federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills 描述:國家快速反應中心是獨立的聯邦機構,負責報告石油和化學泄漏事件。