
npt NPT =Nonproliferation Treaty...


Meanwhile , australia ' s cabinet , hitherto resolute in its refusal to sell uranium to any country outside the nuclear non - proliferation treaty ( and only to a select few within it ) , has taken its cue from america and agreed in principle to sell uranium to india , even though india hasn ' t signed the npt , and won ' t 與此同時,盡管澳大利亞內閣至今仍拒絕向簽署“核不擴散條約”國以外的國家出售鈾(只向經過選擇的幾個簽約國出售) ,但是,在得到美國的暗示后已經原則上同意向印度出售鈾,盡管印度還沒有也不會簽署“核不擴散條約” 。

In the new structure , a n + buffer layer is introduced into the bulk silicon substrate with a triple - diffusion process . . the new structure has two features : one is the feature of npt - igbt : the thin and lightly - doped p + layer and the high lifetimes of the carriers ; the other is the feature of pt - igbt : n7n + structure which can make the n “ region very thin 新結構用三重擴散的方法在n ~ -單晶片上引入了n ~ +緩沖層,仍然保留了npt - igbt中薄而輕摻雜p層和高載流子壽命的本質優點,同時又具有pt - igbt中n ~ - ( n ~ + )雙層復合的薄耐壓層(即薄基區)的優點。

The regeneration system of soybean cytoledon node and agrobacteriunr mediated transformation method is the first selection at present . in the second part of this experiment , the expression vector prok2 containing npt ii and ssnhx1 ( na + / h + antiporter ) gene from suaeda salsa was introduced into soybean cytoledon nodes by gene transformation mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens , and kanamycin resistant transgenic p lants were obtained by screening in selective condition 本實驗第二部分通過農桿菌介導法將含npt -和鹽地堿蓬na ~ + h ~ +反向轉運蛋白基因( ssnhx1 )的表達載體prok2導入大豆子葉節中,經過含km的篩選培養基連續篩選,獲得了ssnhx1轉基因植株,篩選劑卡那霉素的適宜濃度是50mg . l ~ ( - 1 ) 。

Whether the nuclear non ? proliferation treaty ( npt ) survives this combined assault depends on how the big powers rise to the challenge : by co - operating to press both regimes to abandon their nuclear exploits and uphold the rules , or by competing in the wider struggle for regional influence 核不擴散條約能否在這兩國聯合攻擊中經受住考驗依靠的是大國群起應付挑戰:要么通過大國合作迫使兩國放棄其核活動,維護規則,要么在地區影響上通過更大規模的斗爭進行競爭。

China has supported the agreed framework ; yet north korea has said that it considers that framework “ nullified . “ china is a state party to the nonproliferation treaty ; yet north korea - also a member - has clearly violated its npt commitments with its covert uranium enrichment effort 中國支持《核框架協議》 ,但是北韓自稱這個協議已經“無效” 。中國是《不擴散條約》的簽字國,然而北韓它也是成員國暗中提煉濃縮鈾,顯然違反了對《不擴散條約》的承諾。

Comparing arsenic added group and arsenic free group , in the same concentration of cadmium , the addition of arsenic significantly increased wheat npt concentration ( p < 0 . 01 ) . 4 . the effect of cadmium - arsenic interaction on the wheat phytochelatin concentration basic theory of phytochelatin analysis was introduced 對比不加砷的一組和加砷的一組小麥的非蛋白巰基含量,在相同的鎘的濃度下,砷的加入顯著提高了小麥非蛋白巰基含量( p 0 . 01 ) 。

We call it : low power loss igbt - - - - - - lpl - igbt . experimenal results and simulation results have shown that this new structure provides a better performance than that of the conventional npt structure . its power loss is lower than npt - igbt and other parameters are the same as those of npt - igbt 它的總損耗(通態損耗與開關損耗之和)低于現有npt - igbt ,而其余性能(耐壓、電流密度、安全工作區、抗過流、過壓能力等)和制造成本與現有npt - igbt相同。

Namely that the country will proceed with its nuclear program up to the uppermost limits of what the npt can allow , which is essentially creating a very elaborate nuclear infrastructure that can give them a weapons capability when and if they should want to move to that capability 也就是說這個國家將讓它的核計劃達到npt允許的最大限度,本質上,他們會精心的修建能給他們制造武器能力的核基礎設施,只要他們想擁有這種能力。

Under a nuclear safeguards agreement , australia will need to accept chinese assurances that any uranium exported from australia would be used for peaceful purposes only , and that it would comply with the international nuclear non - proliferation treaty ( npt ) 在一項核能源安全控制協議下,澳大利亞需要中國保證任何輸出的鈾都只能用于和平的目的,這也和澳大利亞參加的國際核不擴散條約( npt )一致。

The nuclear regime has made the greatest strides forward . with the help of our leadership , the npt is a permanent feature of the international framework and adherence is almost universal - we are hopeful that brazil will join us soon 我想這任政府定會滿意我們如何按部就班的提升亞太地區的地位,做好邁向太平洋社區的扎根工作,這些工作都是我們回應總統當初上任時所做的呼吁。

Second , the statement refers to “ the nuclear - weapon states , “ rather than the npt - declared nuclear weapon states ( britain , china , france , russia , united states ) , and thus appears to include india and pakistan as well 第二,中國方面說的“有核武國家”而不是英方說的核不擴散簽約國(中英俄法美) ,這樣一來范圍就包括了印度和巴基斯坦。

2003 iran opens talks on its nuclear programme with the european union , suspends uranium enrichment as goodwill gesture , and signs additional protocol to npt allowing snap inspections from iaea 2003年伊朗開始與歐盟就核問題進行談判,伊朗宣布終止鈾濃縮活動并和國際原子能組織簽署了附加議定書,準許國際原子能組織專家突查伊朗核設施。

The results show that npt ii had already integrated into the genome of sinningia speciosa , and the transformation efficiencies of tmek2 and tmek2mut were 1 . 7 % and 0 . 7 % , respectively 用pcr法對轉化再生植株進行了檢測,證實npt已經整合到大巖桐的基因組dna中。野生型、突變型mapkk基因的轉化效率分別為1 . 7和0 . 7 。

The sides confirm that all signatories to the npt have the right to generate and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes within the framework of the npt and the international atomic energy agency 各方堅信所有核不擴散條約簽字國都有權在核不擴散條約和國際原子能機構框架內,和平發展和利用核能。

As i have said , the past four years have capped a remarkable , decades - long effort to put in place the key elements of a global framework - the npt , cwc , and bwc 我的事業一向是多方面的,并不局限在亞太地區,因此希望發表這篇聲明時不是狹隘的。從事這項工作四年之后,我對這個主張的合宜性更具信心。

Abstract : this paper general introduces the npt - igbt rapidly develop in 1990s , including the structure , manufacture , performance feature , advantage and disadvantage 文摘:對80年代末出現、 90年代迅速發展起來的離子背注入發射區的npt - igbt進行簡單介紹,包括其結構、制造、性能特點和優缺點。

In 1998 and 2000 , npt water treatment equipments were strongly presented by the publication of fuel boiler design manual and industrial boiler practical design booklet 。一九九八年出版的燃油燃氣鍋爐房設計手冊及2000年出版的工業鍋爐房實用設計手冊對樂邦水處理設備

Nuclear materials needed by the joint corporation shall be extracted or produced in russia and / or other members with nuclear technology who have signed and ratified npt 核電公司所需的核材料,應在俄羅斯和(或)其他已簽署和批準《核不擴散條約》的成員國境內提取或生產。

Detection of transgenic plants . the pcr assay of kan - resistant plants showed that the target gene had been integrated into tobacco accompanying with npt ii gene 轉基因pcr檢測pcr擴增npt11基因,證明thaumatin基因己導入煙草中,轉化率為引