npd NPD =Nuclear Power Demonstra...
NPD =Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor 〔加拿大〕核動力示范反應堆。 “nitrogen-phosphorus detector npd“ 中文翻譯: 磷檢測器“npd network protection device“ 中文翻譯: 網絡保護設備“npd network protective device“ 中文翻譯: 網絡保護裝置“npd neural processing demultiplexer“ 中文翻譯: 神經處理解復用器“npd normal protein diet“ 中文翻譯: 正常蛋白飲食“npcs narrow-band pcs“ 中文翻譯: 窄帶個人通信系統“npcp“ 中文翻譯: 菲律賓國家新聞俱樂部“npcl“ 中文翻譯: 中子孔隙度純地層線“npcitem“ 中文翻譯: 游戲背景吧 (世界樹照下的光)“npdes“ 中文翻譯: 國家污水排放控制系統“npci“ 中文翻譯: 尼康國際攝影大賽
npl |
The article firstly explains the knowledge creation process in the new product development through introducing the concept of knowledge value chain , and secondly it analyzes the relativity of organization environment and knowledge creation by virtue of structural equation model ; lastly it tries to propose the index system of knowledge creation performance and makes evaluation of performance by using the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation . through above study , the article provides the new management thoughts for the product development of the enterprises , which makes the enterprises form the npd organization environment in favor of knowledge creation and improves the efficiency of knowledge creation and application , and shortens the npd cycle , and lowers npd costs , and improves npd quality , and promotes the technological and knowledge innovation 本文首先通過引入知識價值鏈的概念,解析基于并行工程思想的新產品開發四個階段中的知識創造過程,然后在以結構方程模型( sem )方法建模的基礎上,利用相應的lisrel軟件對調研數據進行分析,得出組織環境與知識創造相關性的若干結論,最后通過驗證性因素分析,嘗試提出新產品開發中的知識創造績效的指標體系,并運用模糊綜合評價法進行績效評估。 |
Npd is carried out within an integrating resource network ; the firm ' s key capacity and the orientation of new product determine the model of npd network ; the forming course of npd network is integrating the network resources based on the npd activities ; the npd network is market - oriented and is an open and dynamic organization , the base of which is trusting with each other and seeking for mutual resources ; the performance of npd is determined by the capacity of integrating , instead of the side of firm 得出了以下主要結論:浙江省醫藥新產品開發以中間網絡模式為主;新產品開發網絡的模式由企業核心能力和新產品定位所決定;網絡是以尋求互補資源和信任為前提而進行網絡資源整合而形成的;新產品開發網絡是以市場為導向的動態開放的組織形式;新產品開發的績效取決于企業整合網絡資源的能力,與企業規模并沒有直接的關系。 |
Then it analysis the actors of china npd network . the pharmaceutical industry of zhejiang province is studied as a case of npd network , the conclusions as follows : the main model of zhejiang province pharmaceutical industry is intermediate network 以浙江省醫藥制造業為實證研究對象,從行業分析、新產品開發的網絡模式、網絡結構、網絡主體、主體間的連結、網絡對新產品開發的成效等做調查統計研究。 |
Furthermore , this paper describes sabms , an available bandwith measurement architecture based on the experience got in paxson ’ s npd project , which is used to figure out the available bandwith related information well and truly on internet 同時,為了對internet上較大范圍內的網絡帶寬使用情況進行準確、全面的了解,本文參考paxson等人構建的npd ,設計了可伸縮性網絡帶寬測量系統sabms 。 |
Us famous marketing research organization npd provides the newest material demonstrated that , the american electrical appliances product 2004 sales volume amounts to 133 billion us dollars , estimated in the future five years the yearly rate will reach 6 % 美國著名市場研究機構npd提供的最新資料顯示,美國家電產品2004年的銷售額達1330億美元,預計未來五年內年增長率將達6 % 。 |
Based on the summary of literature , the thesis adopt the method of combining theory studying with demonstration analysis , and probe into the relationship between knowledge management factors and npd performance 論文在較全面和深入總結前人工作的基礎上,采用理論研究與實證分析相結合的方法,對新產品開發中知識管理的因素及它們與產品開發績效關系進行了較系統地研究探討。 |
Based on the studies of new product development ( npd ) , this research presents a conceptual framework of the interrelationships among acceleration mechanisms , npd performance and npd project success 摘要本研究依據過去新產品開發文獻,提出一個結合加速機制、新產品開發績效指標(包括:開發速度、開發成本、開發品質)與新產品專案成功之理論架構,并試圖驗證各構面間之關系。 |
Moreover , through questionnaire survey and interview staff in part of shenzhen enterprises , the thesis study the relationship among knowledge management and npd performance . the main conclusion draw from this study are as below : 1 結合對企業訪談和問卷調查的數據分析,研究了產品開發中知識管理與產品開發績效的關系。通過本文研究,得出以下結論: 1 |
3 . the suggestion of implementing knowledge management in npd are as below : ? einforce the control of knowledge activity such as the ability of knowledge application , enhance training and communication 新產品開發中知識管理的實施可以從下幾方面來考慮:加強知識活動過程的控制,包括提高知識的運用能力,加強教育培訓,促進知識交流等。 |
Thus , meeting the demand of new competition environment , the research of coupling knowledge management with npd talents management is of great value for enterprises “ sustainable competitive advantage 因此,適應新的競爭環境的要求,分析知識管理與產品開發人才管理的耦合,這對于企業獲得持續競爭優勢具有十分重要的理論和實踐意義。 |
Lung - far hsieh ( 2005 ) , “ a study of team learning activities in npd project team - the moderating role of psychological safety ” , 36thannual meeting of northeast decision science institute 謝龍發,郭碧濤( 2004 ) , “以熊彼德理論觀點探討技術創新與競爭力之研究” , 2004海峽兩岸管理科學與應用研討會,廣州中山大學嶺南學院 |
New product development ( npd ) is a crucial way to gain success . npd is exactly a knowledge - intensive process in enterprise , during which the knowledge embodied in npd talents is the open sesame 產品開發是企業獲得成功的關鍵,也是企業中知識含量密集的過程,而體現在產品開發人才身上的知識則是成功的秘訣。 |
The adrc is composed of nonlinear tracking differentiator ( ntd ) for feedforward control , an extended state observer ( eso ) , a nonlinear proportional - derivative controller ( npd ) in the feedback path and disturbance compensation 該自抗擾控制器由非線性跟蹤微分器、擴張狀態觀測器、非線性pd和擾動補償4部分組成。 |
Npd group ' s research indicated that 51 % of those surveyed are worried about “ being taken . ” therefore , trust in the jeweler as well as product guarantees would seem to be important to blue nile ' s target market 因此,對珠寶商的信任度以及產品品質保證對于藍色尼羅河的目標市場而言都是十分重要的。 |
The thesis analyzes knowledge characteristic in npd , discusses the process of knowledge activity , and designs the model of knowledge management merged in npd by using idefo 論文剖析了新產品開發中的知識特點和知識活動的過程,借鑒系統結構分析法idefo法構建新產品開發中的知識管理模型。 |
Npd can be decribed as the process of knowledge dynamic activity . 2 . knowledge mangement of npd includes knowledge activity control and mechanism , which influence npd performance 新產品開發中知識管理包括了知識活動的控制和知識活動的機制因素,它們與產品開發的績效有密切的關系。 |
These days “ you ' re more likely to find french fries in the car than a penny , “ says harry balzer , vice president of npd group , which tracks consumer eating habits 美國著名市場調查npd副總裁哈里鮑爾澤說: “如今,人們汽車角落里的薯條比硬幣還多。 “這正是消費者新的飲食習慣的體現。 |
According to a survey of 1 , 200 people conducted by market research firm npd group , 75 % of men said they do not consider themselves knowledgeable about purchasing jewelry 根據npd咨詢機構對1200人的一項調查, 75的男性聲稱他們并不認為自己對購買珠寶有足夠的知識了解。 |
Therefore , it is a useful and practical task to study how to implement knowledge management to assure the efficiency and success of new product development ( npd ) 因此,如何通過實施科學的知識管理來保證新產品開發的高效和成功,是一項非常重要和現實的研究課題。 |