
np 短語和例子NP =1.no protest 【商業】未拒...


To the best of our current knowledge , there are no exact solutions to problems that are np complete 按照目前的知識, np完全問題沒有精確解。

Make the ultrasonic technique used in industrialized utilization of extraction of tcm & np 2將超聲波技術應用到中藥和天然藥物的工業化提取。

The vrp can be regarded as an extension of the tsp and it is np - complete 車輛路徑問題可以看作是旅行售貨員問題的推廣,它是np -完備的問題。

Standard specification for envelope dimensions for bronze globe valves nps 1 4 to 2 美國標準直管螺紋1 4至2英寸青銅球型閥的閥殼尺寸標準規范

The nps come together in small rings , stacking up one atop the other to form a column 許多核蛋白聚集成小環狀,并一個疊一個的堆成圓柱狀

Deleted with nps , the _ peptide could not inhibit the binding of mab363 to m3m4 初次免疫后4w + ld血清細胞因子有顯著變化,其中tn下一。

Toremifene combined with np regimen in treatment for 56 cases with advanced nnon - small cell lung cancer 方案治療56例晚期非小細胞肺癌

Np no protest 免作拒付證書

Np , op : used for pesticide emulsifier , wetter and other industrial surfactant 用于農藥乳化劑,可濕性粉劑及其它工業用表面活性劑。

2 . a more brief proof about the np - competeness of these algorithm is provided 2 .給出了面積優化算法的np完全性更為簡潔的證明。

Np no power takeoff 無動力輸出

Some people assert that genetic algorithm has tended to np - had problem 有專家斷言遺傳算法是用來解決np完全問題和np難題的趨勢。

Nelson lakes np 尼爾森湖國家公園

Arthur ' s pass np 亞瑟隘口國家公園

And the decision problems corresponding to those are np ? complete or np ? hard 而其相應的判定問題是np完全問題或np困難問題

Number portability np 移機不改號業務

Specification for envelope dimensions for bronze globe valves nps 1 4 to 2 美國標準直管螺紋1 4至2英寸青銅球閥閥殼尺寸規范

Np noun phrase completeness 名詞組完全性

Nps neutral pressure switch 空檔壓力開關