
noxious adj.有害的,不衛生的,有毒的;對精神上有壞影響的,使...


Pity , jane , from some people is a noxious and insulting sort of tribute , which one is justified in hurling back in the teeth of those who offer it ; but that is the sort of pity native to callous , selfish hearts ; it is a hybrid , egotistical pain at hearing of woes , crossed with ignorant contempt for those who have endured them “憐憫,這個詞出自某些人之口時,簡,是討厭而帶有污辱性的,完全有理由把它奉還給說出來的人。不過那是內心自私無情的人的憐憫,這是聽到災禍以后所產生的以自我為中心的痛苦,混雜著對受害者的盲目鄙視。

Official languages authentic chinese text merchant shipping prevention of oil pollution regulation , merchant shipping control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk regulations , merchant shipping reporting of pollution incidents regulations , merchant shipping bch code regulations , merchant shipping ibc code regulations and merchant shipping prevention of oil pollution regulations exemption notice order 21 .法定語文中文真確本商船防止油類污染規例商船控制散裝有毒液體物質污染規例商船報告污染事故規例商船散化

Article 38 any one who violates the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 24 of the present law by producing or selling noxious or harmful construction or decoration materials that surpass the national standards shall be subject to administrative , civil or criminal liabilities according to the product quality law and other civil and criminal statutory provisions 第三十八條違反本法第二十四條第二款規定,生產、銷售有毒、有害物質超過國家標準的建筑和裝修材料的,依照產品質量法和有關民事、刑事法律的規定,追究行政、民事、刑事法律責任。

Now , the utah seventh grader is 2 , 500 richer because of it : on tuesday , she out - ranked six other children to win the 32nd annual national odor - eaters rotten sneaker contest , stinking up the joint with a pair of well - worn 1 1 2 - year - old nikes so noxious they had the judges wincing 現在,這位猶他七年級學生比其他人富裕2500美元,因為周二他憑借一雙穿了一年半的舊耐克讓評委們退避三舍擊敗六名對手成為第三十二屆odor - eaters全國破鞋大賽的冠軍。

Sender s signature on the front is the pledge that the item does not contain any dangerous article including explosives , flammable , corrosive , oxidizing , toxic , noxious or deleterious , or otherwise harmful substances , etc . , prohibited by international postal regulations 寄件人在正面簽署是保證所投寄的郵件并無裝載任何國際郵政規例所禁寄的危險物品,包括爆炸性物品、易燃物品、腐蝕物品、氧化物品、有毒物品、有害物品或其他危害物品等。

In accordance with article 43 of the air navigation ( hong kong ) order 1995 , any weapons , ammunitions or article containing an explosive or any noxious liquid , gas or other thing which is designed or made for use in warfare or against persons are classified as “ munitions of war “ 根據《 1995年飛航(香港)令》第43條,任何武器,子彈及含有炸藥成份或有害及有毒液體,氣體或其他設計成或用作做戰爭或傷人用途的物件都被分類成“軍火” 。

While part of this land is later used for highly productive tree crop agriculture ( oil palm , rubber , cocoa ) , about 200 , 000 ha end up every year as anthropic savanna , dominated by the noxious grass imperata cylindrica ( alang alang ) 其中部分土壤后來開發為生產力較高的經濟樹種農用地(油棕櫚、橡膠、可可) ,而每年大約20萬公頃則變成受人為活動影響的熱帶稀樹草原,主要由毒草白茅(又名印度白茅)組成。

These results , combined with earlier work , suggest that a distress response to a noxious stimuli may be almost entirely subcortical , however , the finer discrimination and emotional overlay of this painful appreciation may be cortical in location ( 1 ) 這些結果與早期研究綜合表明,對傷害性刺激的不良應激反應可能完全是皮層下的,然而,對疼痛鑒別的良好判斷和情感性加重在局部可能為皮層水平。

The merchant shipping ( prevention and control of pollution ) ordinance ( cap . 413 ) that controls oil pollution , the disposal of garbage and the discharge of noxious liquid substances and harmful substances through preventive measures ( ii ) 《商船(防止及控制污染)條例》 (第413章)會透過采取預防措施,管制油污染、廢物的處置,以及有毒液體物質及有害物質的排放。

The discharge of hold - washings and other residues by vessels carrying noxious or corrosive goods must be conducted in compliance with the state provisions for vessel sewage discharge and shall be truthfully recorded in the logbook 載運有毒、含腐蝕性貨物的船舶,排放洗倉水和其他殘余物,必須按照國家有關船舶污水排放的規定進行,并如實地記入航海日志。

For instance those who grow herbicide - tolerant soybeans typically avoid the most noxious weed killer turning instead to glyphosate herbicides which are less toxic and degrade more quickly . insect - resistant crops also bring mixed benefits 例如,農人要是種植了耐除草劑的大豆,就會避免使用最毒的殺草劑,而改用毒性弱分解快的苷磷除草劑。

Five , if is filled in buries , directly will take the land , also in 1000 the internal calamity degraded , affects the soil texture structure : if is burnt down , then can produce the noxious gas , pollution atmosphere 五、若被填埋,將直接占用土地,且1000年內難以降解,影響土質結構:若被焚燒,則會產生有害氣體,污染大氣。

And yet , although tumbling house prices and a sharp credit contraction could indeed pull the economy into a noxious downward spiral , the evidence of such an economic disaster is , as yet , slim 雖然翻著跟斗一路下跌的房價和驟然緊縮的房價的確把經濟拉下馬,進入一個不良的循環,但是就此斷言經濟災難還是沒有證據的空談。

Hifacs contains an antidote consisting of a highly activated vegetable carbon with highly absorptive qualities , which makes it very useful in the removal of noxious substances in the gastro - intestinal tract 是一種解毒劑,能吸附干擾胃腸道的細菌性毒素消化性毒素,及其他有機性廢物,解除腸內滯留氣體及有關癥狀。

Maintaining general anesthesia the main objectives of general anesthesia are analgesia , unconsciousness , skeletal muscle relaxation , and control of sympathetic nervous system responses to noxious stimulation 全身麻醉的維持全身麻醉的主要目的在于無痛、意識消失、和骨骼肌松弛以及控制交感神經對不良刺激的反應。

The job can either be to set up a replacement air system - for instance because of a command in connection with exhaust of noxious fumes - or to ensure a minimum temperature in the room 這項工作一般就是建造一個空氣轉換系統- - -比如把一個處理機與毒氣排放柜相連接,或者想辦法保持室內一個最低的溫度。

The dairyman , who had thrown himself into abstraction to better realize the taste , and so divine the particular species of noxious weed to which it appertained , suddenly exclaimed - 奶牛場老板聚精會神地在那兒品味著黃油的味道,想分辨出造成這種怪異味道的是一種什么莠草,過了一會兒他突然大聲說

Generation of electricity that could otherwise be conserved introduces more harmful greenhouse gases and other noxious chemicals into the atmosphere from the powerplants that consume fossil fuels 比其二氧化碳和其它有害氣體的排放,發電廠燃燒煤來發電產生的污染對環境的破壞要更大。

Environmental monitoring is another potentially large area for using immunoassays including detection of noxious substances such as pesticides , insecticides , and bacteria in drinking water 環境監控也是另一個潛在的需要免疫檢測的大領域,包括檢測有害物質如殺蟲劑和飲水中的細菌。