
nox n.【羅馬神話】夜之女神。


The impact of thermal radiation on the flame structure and the formation of nox during an oxygen - enriched diffusion combustion process 帶脫硫系統的火電廠煙囪低溫腐蝕模擬實驗研究

Measurement of nox levels in chimneys of a recycling factory in fanling and ambient nox impact due to the chimneys 大嶼山污水抽水站的硫化氫測量粉嶺循環制造廠氮氧化物測試及周圍

It emits less ch , co , co2 , nox . than original one . it can reach gb standard of vehicle emission 改造后天然氣發動機排放符合國家標準,符合中國國家當前對汽車尾氣的排放要求。

How to use reburning technology to reduce nox release in boilers is studied in great detail in this article 本文主要對電站鍋爐中應用再燃技術降低no _ x排放進行了詳細的研究。

It is firstly found that the nox concentration decreases greatly when adding microwave into gas before combustion 發現經過微波處理后的燃燒能得到較可觀no _ x濃度的降低。

Federal regulations imposed nox exhaust - emission standards on all 1973 passenger vehicle 聯幫政府的法規又強制規定了所有1973年起的新型載客汽車排放nox廢氣污染物的標準。

It can be the basis on which neural network method may be used to monitor nox emission of actual furnace 為神經網絡方法應用于實際爐膛no _ x排放的監測進行了嘗試和探索。

Many control methods have emerged as the times require for solving the nox emission problem 為了解決電站鍋爐排放的nox對環境的污染問題,許多控制nox的技術應運而生。

The nox concentration of the outlet of the combustion chamber increases with the temperature of preheated air 得出燃燒室出口no _ x的濃度隨預熱空氣溫度的增加而增加。

The nox concentration increases with the temperature of outlet of the combustion chamber 本文通過實驗得出了燃燒室出口no _ x的濃度隨燃燒室出口溫度的增加而增加。

So lowering nox and pm emissions is the ultimate handicap along developing of diesel engines 因此柴油機面臨的最大發展困難就是,必須降低其nox與顆粒的排放量。

Therefor , we must take powerful measures to control nox emission from power plant coal combustion 因此,必須采取強有力的措施來減少火電廠燃煤產生的no _ x 。

Nox . : stationary source emissions - determination of mass concentration of nitrogen oxides - reference method : chemiluminescence 固定源排放.測定氧化氮

Measurement method of nox emission rate for open type forced ventilating oil burning space heaters 開放式強制通風燃油空間取暖爐用氧化氮排放率的測量方法

Measurement method of nox emission rate for outdoor type instantaneous gas water heaters for domestic use 家用戶外型瞬時燃氣熱水器的nox放射率的測量方法

Emission of nox from coal combustion has increasingly become a worldwide concern 解決燃煤發電造成的污染問題,發展潔凈煤發電技術已經成為當務之急。

A discussion on the selection of reburning fuels for use in boiler low nox emission - based reburning technology 論發展我國金融工程的必要性與可行性

Measurement method of nox emission rate for open type natural ventilating oil burning space heaters 敞開式自然通風燃油取暖器nox排放率的測量方法

Air and gas blowers , compressors , nox control systems , silencers , dampers , and expansion joints -生產羅茨鼓風機,羅茨真空泵和風機配套件。