
nowhere adv.什么地方都不到[沒有]。 This book i...


The storage is full , but we ' ve nowhere to go 等倉庫滿了,而我們又無處可去的話

In the middle of nowhere with you and your blabbering mouth 還有你和你的大嘴巴

The house is nowhere near ready for occupancy 房屋尚待裝修,遷入居住還早著呢。

She drank the delicious “selememont,“ the local white wine that could be had nowhere else in the world because it was too delicate to travel . 她還喝了當地味道醇美的叫作“塞勒默蒙”的白葡萄酒,這是世界上任何地方都不會喝到的美酒,因為它太嬌氣了,以致無法運出去。

Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me . 我們停靠的所有地方,雖因時間短促沒有留下特別的印象,但卻使我的心頭蒙上了一種莫可名狀的難以忍受的感覺。

They had a clearness which was to be found nowhere in the wind, and a sequence which was to be found nowhere in nature . 這聲音清晰可聞,狂風根本發不出這種聲響,它的聲音抑揚入調,不是大自然的聲響。

So wilson mooned around, thinking, thinking, guessing, guessing, day and night, and arriving nowhere . 于是威爾遜心神恍惚地晃來晃去,日日夜夜地想了又想,猜了又猜,始終想不出什么結果。

In view of the moon's size, he suggests that the lunar interior is nowhere near as hot as that of the earth . 考慮到月球的大小,他提示說月球內部沒有任何地方象地球內部那樣熱。

The blame may lie where it ought to lie, and nowhere else, for i wash my hands of every part of it . 那罪過可以由該受罰的人去擔當,不要加在別人身上,我對于這事不再過問了。

We had made clear to the soviets that they would have to be precise, that they would get nowhere with propaganda . 我們向蘇聯人說明,他們必須明確,光是宣傳沒有用。

So inquiries were made, but nowhere could a trace be found of the young lord's fair partner . 于是派人到處打聽少爺的漂亮舞伴,但是還是毫無下落。

Nowhere in the world, raved luke, did cane grow as tall or as rich in sugar . 盧克夸口說世界上沒有一個地方可以讓甘蔗長得這么高,糖分這么足的。

Nowhere was the pure dulles doctrine taken more literally than in this bureau . 這個司在貫徹不折不扣的杜勒斯主義方面比其它任何部門都要認真。

When he came to, the wheelchair lay beside him, but david was nowhere to be seen . 當他恢復知覺以后,只見輪椅倒在一邊,卻不見大衛的身影。

Unfortunately, nowhere along the way had he acquired finesse or polished manners . 不幸的是,他始終沒有學會靈活的手腕或文雅的舉止。

We had been climbing now for more than four hours and were evidently getting nowhere . 這時我們已爬了四個多小時的山,顯然一無所獲。

Nowhere en route had vincent lord learned to be a pleasant human being . 文森特洛德在他的經歷中似乎從未學會做一個和藹可親的人。

The debate whether a virus is living or nonliving leads nowhere . 爭論病毒是生物體還是非生物體是徒勞無益的。

We are not tied by the canons to marry nowhere but in the church . 并沒有教規規定我們一定要在教堂里結婚。