
noway adv.一點也不,決不。


If you happened to touch her , when she warn t noticing , she done the same ; she couldn t face noway and be satisfied , because she allowed there was something behind her every time - so she was always a - whirling around sudden , and saying “ ouch , “ and before she d got two - thirds around she d whirl back again , and say it again ; and she was afraid to go to bed , but she dasn t set up 她沒有留意的時候,你偶然碰了她一下,她也會這樣子。不論她的臉朝那個方向,她總是不放心,因為她認為在她身子背后,每一回都有什么妖怪之類所以她不停地突然轉身,一邊說“啊唷” 。還沒有轉到三分之二,就又轉回來,又說一聲“啊唷” 。

The ringmaster couldn t ever say a word to him but he was back at him quick as a wink with the funniest things a body ever said ; and how he ever could think of so many of them , and so sudden and so pat , was what i couldn t noway understand 領班每說一句,一眨眼間,他總能回敬他一些好笑透頂的話。他怎么能想得出那么多的笑話,又能說得那么突如其來,那么恰到好處,真叫我弄不明白,哈,換了是我的話,花一年時間,我也想不出來啊。

Did you kill her ? - noway . the fucking boss did , or his brother 你殺了沒有? -沒!老板干的,或是他弟弟

- did you kill her ? - noway . the fucking boss did , or his brother -你殺了沒有? -沒!老板干的,或是他弟弟

It ' s cool , man . i never had shoes growing up noway 太好了,老兄。小點也沒關系還沒有我撐不大的鞋

That was so - i couldn t get around that noway 這話說得不錯這個理是我繞不過去的,無法繞過去。