
nowaday adj.現今的,當今的。


Consulting code and course of action of depreciation in developed country in the world , assimilating experience of advanced fremdness , combining the situation of our country , aiming at nowaday port fact , the author brought forward opinions and concerned methods to depreciation - - - - - - combined of linear depreciations depreciation depreciation & reproductive method o 本文的另一研究重點是港口設備折舊問題,作者以世界工業發達國家的折舊法規及作法為參考,吸取國外先進國家的經驗,結合我國國情,針對目前港口實際,提出了對折舊問題的見解及應采取的方法? ?直線折舊法、加速折舊法和復制法的結合運用。

According to the state of an illness , it adopts the principle of full burdened , part burdened or part no burdened to incrassation , lower or even alter the width of the orthosis in the corresponding position , so that optimize the distribution of force and realize the perfect rectificatory function . nowaday , domestic orthosis was produced mainly by hand , so it ca n ' t meet the needs of markets in terms of quantity and quality 它是根據足底病變情況采取全負重或部分負重、部分免荷原理,根據每個人足底受力和病變情況,在鞋內托的相應位置區域上增厚或減薄、甚至伸縮寬度,從而改變足底的受力分布,實現舒適或矯治功能。

The mobile database is that the distributed datase technology can be applied in the distributed computing . nowaday , the mobile database has become the new research direction of distributed database technology and involved in numerous fields , for example , datase , distribued computing and mobile communication 本文是國家863課題“面向行業的手持設備嵌入式linux軟件平臺”研究中的一部分,在物流行業子系統研究和開發的基礎上,對移動數據庫客戶端緩存數據的管理進行了研究。

Fully integrated with outdoors activities , adventure education aims at enhancing our self - understanding , self - confidence and ability to overcome life s difficulties for a breakthrough in our personal growth and development . moreover , adventure education can also give us a deeper awareness and understanding of environmental protection as well as wildlife preservation . adventure education indeed aptly fits in to the philosophy of general education , which promotes one s whole - person development for nowaday s ever - changing society 歷奇教育活動主要透過野外活動的訓練,增加學員的自我認識自信心及面對逆境的能力,從而達至個人成長及自我突破亦增加學員對環境保護及生態保育的知識,切合通識教育的理念,讓學生得到全面的發展,應付現今瞬息萬變的社會。

Therefor , having to realize and resolve nowaday problems , which lie in non - governmental economy of qinghai province , persisting scientific development concept , adopting workable methods , grasping well the promotive point , sustaining point , breakthrough and enhancing point to improve it soundly develop 因此,要正確認識和解決當前青海非公有制經濟發展中存在的問題,堅持科學發展觀,采取積極有效的措施,抓好推動點、支撐點、突破點和提高點,促進非公有制經濟健康發展。

Based on the analysis of the whys of the flicker phenomenon and nowaday displaying technology , a project that is easily carried out and conveniently operated is then designed . the project is a kind of flicker - free digital three - dimensional imaging system based on pc . it is proved that the system totally eliminates the flicker phenomenon and its stereovision is quite satisfying 在此基礎上分析了出現閃爍的原因,基于現有的顯示技術,提出一種易于實現操作方便的方案,即基于pc機的無閃爍數字立體成像系統,經實驗證明該系統完全消除了閃爍感,立體感相當強。

The second stage is to empolder , populize the ecnomical and applicable wood - frame - construction house and to realize the massive - production . nowaday , the research of the wood - frame - construction house in china have to solve these two problems : the first , the problem of conformation and construction . the second , the problem of design that adapt to china 我國目前的輕型木構小住宅的研究,應立足于第一階段,解決兩個問題: (一)輕型木構小住宅的用材、構造做法、施工技術及相關技術問題(二)適合我國國情的設計方法問題。

From the moon - vehicle in apollo plan to nowaday “ spirit “ and “ opportunity “ , which are mars vehicle made by nasa , and from battlefield patrol robot to pipeline testing robot and intelligent service robot , those all powerfully show that intelligent mobile robot is progressing with human being together 從阿波羅登月計劃中的月球車到美國最近推出的nasa火星探測機器人,從西方各國正在加緊研制的戰場巡邏機器人、偵察車到新近研制的管道清洗檢測機器人和智能服務機器人,都有力地顯示出智能移動機器人正在與人類共同發展和進步。

The lack of people ' s association outdoor is the reason of the cities “ problem nowaday , but in heart , people would like to go into the sunshine , lie on the grass , talk to others , play the water and so on . so , how to make people to go outdoor and associate comfortably , and how to design the delightful city place for people to stay and associate by we architects are the questions for study in this thesis 因為我們希望能夠激發人的“自發性活動”和“社會性活動” ,包括放風箏、呼吸新鮮空氣、曬太陽,聊天,游戲,表演等等,通過這些戶外活動形式促進人類的社會交往和情感交流,而這類活動就要求有適宜的戶外條件,并提供人們長時間滯留的物質支持,這就是我們建筑師和規劃師所要做的。

By comparing with ms ' s dcom and sun ' s ejb , the paper analysises the difference among them in order to make many nowaday ' s orb products support the concept of component , this paper has proposed a new solution - building a component platform which disrelates with specified orb product 并且,鑒于目前ccm剛剛提出,各個廠家推出的基于cokba規范的各類orb產品還沒有及時將構件技術補充到自己產品中的特殊情況,本文提出了一種構建在orb產品之上的構件支持平臺powerbus 。

For come - and - go between cities , many commercial customers need to deal with their business by notebooks , wireless lan accord with their needs . nowaday the protocol which applies to wlan is 802 . 11 . but as wlan ’ s transmit medium is atmosphere , it exposure in air , it is very easy to wire tapping by hackers 現在應用最廣泛的就是基于802 . 11協議的無線局域網技術。然而由于其傳播媒介是暴露于大氣中,通過空間來傳播信號,與有線網絡相比更容易被黑客竊聽而獲得重要的信息。

After the investigation on several kinds of machine design platforms that are used in the nowaday machine design fields , the author bring forward the importance of integrating the autocad software , network technology and database technology when developing machine design platform 作者在考察當前機械設計領域應用的多種機械設計平臺后,提出了機械設計平臺開發時,結合autocad平臺、網絡技術和網絡數據庫技術的必要性。

From time to time , i wonder if it is the reason i eager to change the nowaday job , in spite of so frequent my job - hopping in these years . no good pay , no good expectation , no good opportunity to experince , what else can make me staying 我經常想大概這就是我老想著換現在這份工作的原因吧,盡管這些年里我換了太多工作. . . . . .沒有好待遇,沒有好機會,甚至沒有期待,還能有什么樣的東西讓我留下來呢?

During researching distributed application system and the development practice , the author supplemented nowaday distributed model with the latest soap technology , and used the new model to develop a prototype of on - line orders process system 同時在研究分布式應用系統和開發實踐中,作者結合最新的soap技術對現有的分布式模型進行了補充,并運用此補充模型開發了在線訂單處理系統原型。

4 . the double dsp technique is introduced , and the furthermore the traditional fft analysis and nowaday theory of instantaneous reactive power is combined , thus the combined system of shunt passive filters and active power filters is designed 4 、采用雙dsp芯片技術,將傳統的頻域分析fft計算與現代的瞬時無功功率理論相揉和,進行lc無源濾波器和并聯型有源電力濾波器混合系統的設計。

His discussion on educational goal , educational function , educational content and studying methods , not only has a great influence on education development in the song dynasty , but also has an enlightenment on nowaday school education 他關于教育的目的、教育的作用、教育的內容以及讀書的方法的論述,不僅對宋代教育的發展產生過重大影響,而且對今天的學校教育有著重要的啟迪意義。

The purpose of the paper is to try to understand nowaday software development pattern , especially that of windows - based , and to research the method of improving distributed application system ' s development efficiency and performance 本論文的目的在于試圖應用現代的軟件開發模式尤其是基于windows的軟件開發技術,為提高分布式應用系統軟件的開發效率和性能做出有益的探索。

With tcsc established as studying object , this dissertation prosecutes a detailed analysis and puts forward its impedance model from time domain and frequency domain , rectifying some expressions in nowaday research articles 本文即以tcsc為研究對象,從時域和頻域兩個方面深入分析了它的阻抗模型,對當前研究文獻中的一些說法提出了質疑和商榷。

Nowaday development route and direction of china is just the continuance 、 extension 、 development and enrichment of the development route and direction of the party ' s “ eighth plenary congress “ 當今中國的發展路線及發展方向,正是黨的“八大”發展路線及發展方向的繼續、延伸、發展和豐富。