
now NOW = National Organization ...

now account

An english translation is now being prepared . 英文譯本正在準備之中。

His aunt was now unable to leave her bed . 他老姑太太現在不能下床了。

My husband is now a purse manufacturer . 我先生現在是手提包制造商。

Now i began to wonder about the timing . 現在我已經開始掐算起時間來。

Now he was known as a steady man . 現在他已被大家認為是一個可靠的人。

Hannibal was now crossing the alps . 漢尼拔那時正在翻越阿爾卑斯山。

My bank deals in stocks and shares now . 我們銀行現在經營債券與股票。

I'm going to get the cream of it now . 我可打算眼前就大大地撈一票。

We had better go back to the station now . 現在我們最好還是回車站吧。

You have got yourself into a pretty mess now ! 你現在可惹了麻煩了!

It was now getting toward sunset . 這時已經是接近太陽西沉的時分了。

Oh, now it was too late for prudence . 啊,現在小心謹慎還有什么用。

Everyone stayed clear of the woods now . 現在大家都不敢到樹林里去。

So much for him , now about .... 他的事情就這樣好了,下面且說…罷。

Now it 's done , regrets are of no avail . 事已如此,后悔也是枉然。

Up to now everything has been successful . 到目前為止,一切都很順利。

Men are so little chivalrous now . 現在的男人幾乎沒有什么騎士風度了。

Flight ba 193 for paris is now boarding 乘飛往巴黎的BA193現在登機了。

Sue was assisting jude very materially now . 淑現在真正幫起裘德來了。