
novosibirsk n.諾沃西比爾斯克(新西伯利亞)〔俄羅斯城市〕。

novus ordo seclorum

Their relatives began arriving in sochi from novosibirsk on friday , pacing the halls of a local hotel . others were expected from israel on sunday 同一天,遇難者家屬開始陸續由新西伯利亞抵達索契,他們在當地一家旅館的大廳里不安地來回踱步。另外一些家屬將于本周日從以色列趕來。

Another new port added to the route network of hkia is novosibirsk ; cargo services to the port are operated by aeroflot russian international airlines 香港國際機場服務網絡的另一個新增航點為新西伯利亞,由俄羅斯國際航空公司提供來往該地的貨運服務。

Physical mesomechanics and computer - aided desing of materials . novosibirsk , science , 1995 , 320p 材料的物理技術及電腦輔助設計” ,新西伯利亞科學出版社, (俄文) , 1995年,共320頁。

It belonged to sibir airlines , which is based in novosibirsk , about 1 , 750 miles east of moscow 這架客機隸屬于西伯利亞航空公司,總部設在莫斯科以東1750英里的新西伯利亞。

He holds a bachelor of science cum laude degree in computer science from novosibirsk state university 他在新西伯利亞州大學以優秀成績獲得計算機科學理工學士學位。

Tel : 82 - 2 - 481 - 3411 3 fax : 82 - 2 - 481 - 3414 russia : expo novosibirsk international exhibition projects 地址add :大連市西崗區新開路99號珠江國際1107室

He holds a bs cum laude degree in computer science from novosibirsk state university 他擁有novosibirsk州立大學的計算機科學學士學位(優等生) 。

The science city of novosibirsk is a scientific base known for its research strength 新西伯利亞科學城,是一個著名的實力雄厚的科學基地。

They lives in the northeast part of the china and the russian novosibirsk in the summer time 它們暑季生活在中國東北和俄羅斯西伯利亞。