novitiate n.1.修道士[修女]的見習期;見習中的修道士[修女]。...
n. 1.修道士[修女]的見習期;見習中的修道士[修女]。 2.(新手的)見習(期)初學者,生手。 “novitovic“ 中文翻譯: 諾維托維奇“novite“ 中文翻譯: (硬質合金)諾維特“novitski“ 中文翻譯: 諾維茨基“novitchi“ 中文翻譯: 諾維茨基“novitskij“ 中文翻譯: 諾維茨基“novitch“ 中文翻譯: 諾維奇“novitsky“ 中文翻譯: 諾維茨基“novita“ 中文翻譯: 諾維塔“novius“ 中文翻譯: 諾維厄斯“novissima sinica“ 中文翻譯: 中國近事; 中國新論
novobiocin |
When labor contract concludes , unit of choose and employ persons is skilled to the labor of laborer the circumstance such as degree does not understand very , the understanding of the station that at the same time laborer pursues to its also needs period of time , accordingly , the inchoate when laborer is engaged in new type of work in production regulation of period of time is probation or novitiate is necessary 在勞動合同訂立時,用人單位對勞動者的勞動技術熟練程度等情況不甚了解,同時勞動者對其所從事的崗位的了解也需一段時間,因此,將勞動者從事新工種時剛開始的一段時間規定為試用期或見習期是有必要的。 |
As i shall not have occasion to refer either to her or her sister again , i may as well mention here , that georgiana made an advantageous match with a wealthy worn - out man of fashion , and that eliza actually took the veil , and is at this day superior of the convent where she passed the period of her novitiate , and which she endowed with her fortune 由于我沒有機會再提起她或她妹妹了,我不妨在這兒說一下吧。喬治亞娜在婚事上得以高攀,嫁給了上流社會一個年老力衰的有錢男子。伊麗莎果真做了修女,度過了一段見習期后,現在做了修道院院長,并把全部財產贈給了修道院。 |
Do according to work of original labor department hair [ 1996 ] 5 files regulation , the school of old technical secondary school , ability is graduate new allocation that what work to unit of choose and employ persons , still should carry out 1 of by a definite date by original provision year novitiate system , can agree inside novitiate the probation that does not exceed half an year 根據原勞動部勞辦發1996 5號文件規定,大中專、技校畢業生新分配到用人單位工作的,仍應按原規定執行為期1年的見習期制度,見習期內可以約定不超過半年的試用期。 |
You and unit conclude the minimum wage of the shanghai when labor contract is 635 yuan , be in so inside set novitiate when standard of every monthly wages , the unit violates policy regulation 你與單位訂立勞動合同時上海的最低工資為635元,所以在設定見習期內每月工資標準時,單位是違反政策規定的。 |
One of them was that people who call his name faithfully or those who seek for help from him would be for sure called to his sacred land to be in their novitiate when they die 其中之一是人們呼他的全名或祈求幫助在死后便能進入天堂。這就是我們聽見人們重復念唱阿-彌-陀-佛。 |
How to say , closing the practice of novitiate of the set inside the corresponding period , probation , in principle is possible 怎么說呢,在合同期內設定見習期、試用期的做法,原則上是可以的。 |
Novitiate or probation are laborer begins to fulfil new labor contract , be engaged in new occupational suiting period 見習期或試用期是勞動者開始履行新的勞動合同、從事新職業的適應期。 |
The course includes 27 periods ( 22 lectures , 4 for clinic novitiates and 1 for test ) 總學時數為27學時,包括理論教學22學時,臨床見習4學時,考試1學時。 |
The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate 這里的一切都顯得大方而莊重,初來乍到的人尤其能感到這一點。 |
How does graduate of school of old technical secondary school , ability agree novitiate and probation 大中專、技校畢業生如何約定見習期與試用期? |
Except probation , the salary between novitiate also cannot under minimum wage standard 除試用期之外,見習期間的工資也不能低于最低工資標準。 |
The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one ' s family false 職工在見習期和實習期內都不能享受探親假。 |
Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one ' s family false 見習期和實習期內能享受探親假嗎? |
Inside novitiate but the probation that set does not exceed 6 months 在見習期內可設定不超過六個月的試用期。 |
To train novitiates for ordination as buddhist monks 提供出家前的見習學員訓練。 |