novgorod n.諾夫哥羅德〔俄羅斯城市〕。
n. 諾夫哥羅德〔俄羅斯城市〕。 “nijni novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 高爾基; 下諾弗哥羅“nijnii novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 下諾弗哥羅“nizhni novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 高爾基; 下諾弗哥羅“nizhnii novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 高爾基“nizhniy novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 下諾夫哥羅德; 下諾弗哥羅“nizhny novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 高爾基市; 下夫哥德; 下諾夫哥羅德; 下新城“novgorod oblast“ 中文翻譯: 夫哥德州; 諾夫哥羅德州“novgorod severskiy“ 中文翻譯: 諾夫哥羅德謝韋爾斯基“novgorod-seversk“ 中文翻譯: 諾夫哥羅瑟佛斯基“novgorod-severskiy“ 中文翻譯: 諾夫哥羅德謝韋爾斯基“oleg of novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 奧列格“velikiy novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 大諾夫哥羅德; 諾夫哥羅德“lokomotiv nizhni novgorod“ 中文翻譯: 尼茲尼火車頭“nizhny novgorod oblast“ 中文翻譯: 下諾夫哥羅德州“novgord“ 中文翻譯: 諾克哥羅德“novez“ 中文翻譯: 諾韋斯“novey“ 中文翻譯: 諾維“novevski“ 中文翻譯: 諾韋夫斯基“novgorodets“ 中文翻譯: 諾夫戈羅杰茨“novet“ 中文翻譯: 諾韋
novice |
Far from doing anything of the sort , he used his power to select out of all the various courses open to him the stupidest and most pernicious of all . of all the different things napoleon might have donespending the winter in moscow , going to petersburg , going to nizhni - novgorod , going back a little more to the north or to the south , by the road kutuzov afterwards tookno course one can imagine could have been more ruinous for his army as the sequel proved than the one napoleon actually did adopt ; that is , the course of staying in moscow till october , letting the troops plunder the town , then in hesitation leaving a garrison behind , marching out of moscow , going to meet kutuzov and not giving battle , turning to the right and going as far as maley yaroslavets , again refusing to risk a battle , and finally retreating , not by the road kutuzov had taken , but by mozhaisk and the smolensk route through devastated country 可供拿破侖選擇的道路有:在莫科斯過冬,向彼得堡進軍,向下諾夫哥羅德進軍,向北或者向南庫圖佐夫后來所走的那條路撤退,可是,再也想不出比拿破侖做的更愚蠢更有害的事了,那就是,在莫斯科停留到十月底,任由部隊搶劫這個城市,后來,又動搖不定是否留下守備隊,就退出了莫斯科,接近了庫圖佐夫,卻不進行戰斗,接著轉向右方,走近小雅羅斯拉維茨,又失掉了試行突破的機會,不走庫圖佐夫走的那條大路,而沿著被破壞了的斯摩棱斯克大路向莫扎伊斯克退卻,結果證明,再也想不出比這更愚蠢對軍隊更有害的事情了。 |
Secretary - general yao haitao talked friendly with the full - fledged members kenuowa , nizhny novgorod governor jane , the republic of moldova president volkov , orenburg state deputy - governor grachev on “ made - in - china enters volga federation district ” 姚秘書長與全權代表科諾瓦落夫、下諾夫哥羅德州簡采夫?瓦列果州長、摩爾多瓦共和國主席沃爾科夫、奧倫堡州副州長格拉喬夫進行友好會談,商洽了“中國制造走進伏爾加聯邦區”的具體事宜。 |
This year , traffic police in nizhny novgorod and krasnodar will present women they pull over with flowers rather than traffic tickets , ria - novosti and interfax reported 今年,在諾夫哥羅德和克拉斯諾達爾兩地,被交警攔下的女司機將會得到鮮花而不是交通罰單。 |
The company has branches in novosibirsk , nizhny novgorod and kaluga and performs about 220 research engineering and development projects 本公司在新西伯利亞、高爾基和卡盧加設有分公司,并在進行大約220個研究工程和開發項目。 |
The troops began to move again , and two battalions of the novgorod regiment and a battalion of the apsheron regiment passed before the tsar 部隊又行動起來,諾夫戈羅德兵團的兩個營和阿普舍兵團的一個營從國王身旁開走了。 |
Situated on the ancient trade route between central asia and northern europe , novgorod was russia ' s first capital in the 9th century 諾夫哥羅德是中亞通往北歐的古代貿易要道,也是9世紀時俄國的第一個首都。 |
Yet vibrant businesses also have taken root in many other cities , including novosibirsk , nizhniy novgorod , st 然而充滿活力的貿易已經在其他許多城市扎下了根。 |
Suspected terrorist affiliations include the novgorod authorit - - 被懷疑是屬于諾夫哥羅德恐怖組織的恐怖分子 |
Suspected terrorist affiliations include the novgorod authorit - 被懷疑是屬于諾夫哥羅德恐怖組織的恐怖分子 |