
novella n.(pl. novellas, -le ) 中篇故事。


As a result , his novellas are endowed with universal meaning , as they reveal a noble and grand theme , i ? e . human beings ? journey and salvation in the background of conflict between good and evil 由此,他的小說不再是傳統學界所認為的“社會抗議”文字,而是對人類具有永久性警示作用的力作,因為它們揭示了人類亙古以來一個崇高而宏大的主題,即善與惡沖突背景下的人類的出行和救贖。

In his novella , old man and sea , contemporary american writer ernest hemingway created a nearly perfect main character , which not only brought him fame and honor , but also left a lot of room for contemplation of the later generations 摘要美國當代作家海明威的作品《老人與海》已面世多年,他塑造的完美藝術形象給作者帶來了巨大的榮譽,也給后人帶來了無盡的想象。

German writer whose novellas and dramas , including the broken pitcher ( 1811 ) , concern characters torn between reason and emotion and between heroism and cowardice 克萊斯特,亨利希?馮1777 1811德國作家,他的中篇小說和戲劇包括破甕記( 1811年) ,其中涉及了人物在理智和情感、英雄主義和懦弱之間的折磨

But other than confining the scope to legendary figures in history , myth and folklore , we have expanded it to include times , sacred music and novella of a legendary nature 藝術節在節目選取方面,仍然保留上屆的人物主題,但亦擴闊至傳奇民間故事、傳奇的時代、傳奇的宗教音樂、傳奇小說等。

His novella , as charming as he himself , implicated the fatalistic ending of both the writer and his characters , as well as his idealistic idea with aesthetic nature about the world 他的作品正如他本人那樣充滿魅力,顯示出了他理想主義者的唯美主義精神,但是也預示出他們宿命主義的結局。

But other than confining the scope to legendary figures in history , myth and folklore , we have expanded it to include times , sacred music and novella of a legendary nature 藝術節在節目選取方面,仍然保留上屆的人物主題,但亦擴闊至傳奇民間故事傳奇的時代傳奇的宗教音樂傳奇小說等。

Many novellas of john steinbeck are implicitly or explicitly constructed in the context of everyman , the ancient allegorical play , and bible 斯坦貝克的許多小說或隱或顯地構建在寓言劇《每個人》和《圣經》的文本框架之內。

The two novellas , together with calvino ' s previously published the baron in the trees , make a witty trilogy of allegorical fantasy 這兩個中篇,加上早先的《樹上的男爵》 ,組成了一套充滿智慧的寓言似的幻想小說三部曲。

Certainly , some types of fiction ? novels as well as novellas ? are also likely to migrate online and to cease being books 可以肯定的是,某些類型的虛構文學作品? ?包括中篇和長篇小說? ?也很可能告別書籍的形式移師網絡。

Novellas or long stories that have been published in individual bindings are italicized as if they were full - length texts 以單行本形式發行的中篇小說或長篇小說用斜體標出,如同它們是全文照錄一樣。

The success of the novella of life is due to realization of individual corresponding with social mentality 小說《生》之所以成功,是因為在作品中實現了個體與社會心理的契合。

He also reads the film ' s lovely narration , much of it drawn verbatim from king ' s 1982 novella 他還為電影作了可愛的旁白,其中大部分直接摘錄于金的1寫于982年原版的小說。

A series of short stories set in tempe , arizona . read online or download the novellas for free -綜合類在線小說資源站,包含言情小說武俠小說玄幻小說資源。

Adapted from dostoevsky ' s novella , henry czerny plays the narrator , underground man 改編自陀思妥耶夫斯基的中篇小說《地下人》 ,亨利?徹尼扮演解說員。

The stuff of novellas 就像小說里寫的那樣

The stuff of novellas . . 就像小說里寫的那樣. .

Two colors of city life : a critical survey of fang fang and chi li ' s novellas 方方與池莉小說的詩學審視