
novelist n.小說家。


She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist 作為小說家,她過著不太穩定的生活

Thomas hardy is a famous contemporary novelist 托姆斯.哈代是一位著名的當代小說家。

Her new book shows her to be a first - rate novelist 她的新書表明她是第一流的小說家

His lecture is on contemporary american novelists 他的演講是關于當代美國小說家的。

So we should not complain about the wuxia novelists 所以抱怨作者是沒用的。

The novel predisposed him to become a novelist 那本小說使他有意成為小說家。

The newspapers acclaimed her as a great novelist 報紙擁戴她為偉大的小說家。

The novelist had issued many saga novels 那個小說家已經發表了很多長篇小說。

A good novelist needs great powers of conception 一個好的小說家需要極大的構思力。

A good novelist needs great power of conception 一個好的小說家需要豐富的想象力。

The lady is one of the greatest novelist alive 這位女士是當今最偉大的小說家之一

He is a writer , or rather a novelist 他是一個作家,或者更確切地說是一位小說家。

History , reality and fantasy - on wuvi native novelists 五邑本土作家小說創作評述

She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher 她是一個杰出的小說家和哲學家

Beijing flavor - the exploration of modern beijing novelists 近代北京小說家的探索

The critic rated him as an excellent novelist 評論界認為他是一名優秀的小說家。

Sinclair lewis stands almost alone as the connecting link between muckraking novelists of the progressive era and social novelists of the new deal period . 辛克萊劉易斯,幾乎是進步時代揭發黑幕的小說家和新政時期社會小說家之間唯一承上啟下的人物。

He knew that there were societies where painters and poets and novelists and men of science, and even great actors were as sought after as dukes . 他知道有那樣一些社會,在那里畫家、詩人、小說家、科學研究者以至名演員,都象公爵似的倍受推崇。

Smedley was close to ding ling, the well-known novelist and activist for women's causes, with whom smedley corresponded until her death . 史沫特萊和著名的小說家、婦女運動家丁玲的關系很密切,她們之間的通信一直持續到史沫特萊去世。