novelette n.1.中篇小說。2. 【音樂】新事曲[幻想曲式的小品曲...
n. 1.中篇小說。 2. 【音樂】新事曲[幻想曲式的小品曲]。 “novelettish“ 中文翻譯: 言情的,多愁善感的“noveletish“ 中文翻譯: 二流小說的“novelettist“ 中文翻譯: 中篇小說家“noveleta“ 中文翻譯: 諾韋萊塔“noveli“ 中文翻譯: 藍威龍“novelese“ 中文翻譯: n. (低級的)小說家的陳詞濫調。 “novelis korea limited“ 中文翻譯: 麗斯韓國有限公司“novelda“ 中文翻譯: 諾韋爾達“novelist“ 中文翻譯: n. 小說家。 “novelact ltd“ 中文翻譯: 聯中企業有限公司
novelist |
It was madame vera verity , directress of the woman beautiful page of the princess novelette , who had first advised her to try eyebrowleine which gave that haunting expression to the eyes , so becoming in leaders of fashion , and she had never regretted it 還是主編公主中篇小說7美容欄的維拉維利蒂太太最早勸她試著描描眉毛。這樣就為她的眼睛平添了一種誘人神情,而這是十分合乎社交界名流趣向的。 |
The development of its narrative pattern paves the way for the prosperity of novels as well as novelettes in the vernacular chinese in the succeeding years of the ming and qing dynasties 中篇傳奇小說?事格局的形成與發展,為明清以降白話中、長篇小說的繁盛,儲存了許多有益的經驗、實踐和機會。 |
Novelettes were a fad in 1980 ' s , and they were largely adapted to movies by the “ fourth directors “ and the “ fifth directors “ 20世紀80年代的“中篇小說熱”引發的電影改編曾經創造了“第四代導演” 、 “第五代導演”的藝術輝煌。 |
Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of chinese fiction 摘要中篇傳奇小說是中國小說發展史上的創舉和破例。 |
Modem novelettes have experieced some ups and downs in their adaption into movies 摘要當代中篇小說和電影改編之間的歷史關系幾歷浮沉。 |
The continuity of extended picture of life the countryside female images study in recent novelettes 近五年中篇小說中的農村女性形象 |
An age far from heroes - the spirit trends and the thinking about the early 1990s ' novelette 20世紀90年代初中篇小說精神流向及其思索 |
Status quo of novels in movie a case study on novelette adapted to movie 關于中篇小說電影改編的個案考察 |
On the novelettes and novels published in 2002 china 評2002年的中短篇小說 |
Beauty and sadness . focusing on 2003 liaoning novelette 2003年遼寧中篇小說聚焦 |
Unfortunate that the english language should transform a great work of french literature into a mock-italian novelette . 不幸的是,一本如此負有盛名的法國名著被譯成英語后,竟成了一篇模仿意大利短篇小說的蹩腳貨。 |
Anyhow there'll be no rent to pay and no novelettes to write . 總之,不用再付房租,也不用再寫小說了。 |