
nouvelle n.〔法語〕中篇小說。

nouvelle vague

A dance performance by ballet biarritz and a unique contemporary circus troupe called anomaly . more contemporary music is represented by romantic singer emilie simon , gipsy band poum tchak , the celebrated nouvelle vague band , as well as hip hop and french electro performers 精采節目包括:法國里爾國立交響樂團的大師級演奏歌劇羅密歐與茱麗葉芭蕾舞劇the creatures ,還有anomaly劇團帶來的創新馬戲和舞蹈演出。

In addition , the newspaper la nouvelle et lunion reported that masters loving actions had enhanced solidarity among the people in this region of quebec 新潮聯盟報也報導:師父的愛心義舉把魁北克地區的民眾團結了起來。

Btained iso9002 quality certificate system . and recommended to the market of e . e . c by the association technologic nouvelle de france 國國際貿易促進委員會,法國科技質量監督評價委員會( atn )確定為向盟市場推薦產品。

Luther en allemagne et calvin en france pr chent une nouvelle religion : le protestantisme 德國人路德和法國的加爾文鼓吹一種新的宗教:新教。

Universit de paris iii - sorbonne nouvelle 巴黎第三大學

Monique giroux , reporter for la nouvelle et lunion newspaper 新潮聯盟報記者monique giroux報導