nous n.【哲學】精神;理智;理性;智力;〔口語〕常識。
n. 【哲學】精神;理智;理性;智力;〔口語〕常識。 “chez nous“ 中文翻譯: 在我們這里“chez-nous“ 中文翻譯: 理性之旁“entre nous“ 中文翻譯: 〔法語〕 (= between ourselves) 不要對外人說〔只限你我知道〕。 “nous deux“ 中文翻譯: 我們倆“nous sommes“ 中文翻譯: 我們是“portals nous“ 中文翻譯: 波塔爾斯諾斯“bitumastic (or bitumi- nous) coal“ 中文翻譯: 煙煤“nous irons a verone“ 中文翻譯: 華奴之旅“nous ouvriers du pays“ 中文翻譯: 我們國家工人“nous(donna,donna,mia)“ 中文翻譯: 我們“paris nous appartient“ 中文翻譯: 巴黎屬于我們/“qui plus que nous“ 中文翻譯: 誰能比得上我倆“the last days of chez nous“ 中文翻譯: 闔家不歡“vent nous emportera le“ 中文翻譯: 風會帶著我們走“nous ne vieillirons pas ensemble“ 中文翻譯: 我們不會白頭偕老“nous ne viellirons pas ensemble“ 中文翻譯: 我們不會一同老邁“nous sommes tous des assassins“ 中文翻譯: 我們都是殺人犯“promenons-nous dans les bois“ 中文翻譯: 密林終結者“il etait une fois nous deux“ 中文翻譯: 我倆之間“nourypharma gmbh“ 中文翻譯: 諾里醫藥有限公司“nourypharma“ 中文翻譯: 諾里醫藥有限公司“nouryoku koujou iinkai“ 中文翻譯: 腦力向上委員會“noury“ 中文翻譯: 努里“nourutin“ 中文翻譯: 努爾丁
nouveau riche |
From mathematical models for inverse scattering in two dimensional homoge - nous media including dirichlet , neumann , robin , all kinds of probable mixed boundaries and cracks , direct and inverse scattering are discussed , and ill - posed integral equation and indicator function method are formulated for the diverse of boundary identification . it is shown that the kernel of the integral equation characters the boundary of scatterer , which is determined by solv - ing it by virtual of regularity method , meanwhile , some numerical tests are given . 2 在二維均勻介質逆散射各種邊界識別的數學模型(包括dirichlet , neumann , robin ,各種可能的混合邊界問題,裂紋問題)下,分別考慮了正散射問題和逆散射問題,推導了上述各種邊界識別的不適定積分方程以及指示函數方法,由于積分方程的核充分表征了散射物的邊界,由此說明只要利用正則化方法求解該積分方程,就可以確定散射物的邊界,并給出了一些數值實驗。 |
At this remark , passed obviously in the spirit of where ignorance is bliss , mr bloom and stephen , each in his own particular way , both instinctively exchanged meaning glances , in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however , towards where skin - the - goat , alias the keeper , was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair 此話一聽就是本著無知乃至福93的精神講的,布盧姆先生和斯蒂芬以各自的方式本能地相互交換了一下意味深長的眼色,然而是在虔誠而諱莫如深94的沉默中他們隨即把視線朝“剝山羊皮” -也就是店老板一一的方向投去。 |
The author analyzes the peculianties of nitrogenous fertil - izer enterprises in the use of the circulating fluid bed boiler , proposes thaton the issue of model selection of the circulating fluid bed boiler nitroge - nous fertilizer enterprises are to take into account their fuel characteristicsand their enterprise scale and take measures suited to local conditions , and sums up the principles for model selection of the circulating fluid bedboiler under different conditions 分析了氮肥企業使用循環流化床鍋爐的特殊性,提出了氮肥企業在循環流化床鍋爐選型問題上應結合燃料特點和企業規模,因地制宜,并總結了不同情況下循環流化床鍋爐的選型原則。 |
This chapter clarify the concepts of “ person ” from the view of nous and will in classical natural law which promote the development of personality right , announces that the ethical nature of human which is the essence for a person to live , a the condition of a person being a person , is the essential nature of human 本文清理了推動人格權發展的古典自然法從理性和意志的角度對人的界定,揭示了人超越外在于人的存在的根本? ?人的倫理屬性,即人之為人的存在狀態,是人的普遍屬性。 |
But here is the matter now . or she knew him , that second i say , and was but creature of her creature , vergine madre figlia di tuo figlio or she knew him not and then stands she in the one denial or ignorancy with peter piscator who lives in the house that jack built and with joseph the joiner patron of the happy demise of all unhappy marriages parce que m . lo taxil nous a dit que qui l avait mise dans cette fichue position c tait le sacr pigeon , ventre de dieu 問題在于:第二個夏娃知曉基督乃是神之子,伊身為童貞之母,汝子之女, 53僅只是造物主所造之物抑或不知基督乃神之子,與住在杰克所蓋之房54中之漁夫彼得以及木匠約瑟彼乃使一切不幸婚姻獲得圓滿之主保圣人一道不認耶穌或對耶穌不予理睬。 |
A system with repmsm ( rare earth permanent magnet synchro - nous motor ) as executing motor is presented in this thesis . the hardware platform for the ac speed regulating system is based on tms320f240 dsp controller and uses ipm ( intelligent power model ) as the power device in the invert circuit 系統選用正弦波永磁同步電動機為執行電機,以ti公司的tms320f240dsp芯片為控制核心,以智能功率模塊( ipm )為逆變電路功率開關器件,構成交流調速系統的硬件平臺。 |
I think it is an important way to bring about the nous of teacher ' s teaching and promote teachers “ specialized development . it should recommend energetically ; the training of research teacher in middle and primary schools is not only essential , but also feasible , it can be very promising 筆者認為,教師成為研究者,是提升教師教學理性,促進教師專業發展的重要途徑,應予以大力倡導;而中小學培養研究型教師不僅必要,而且可能,可以大有作為。 |
Mourinho ' s side will not get highly praised for style , but their players have confidence in their technical nous , and it was their economical but unspectacular play that earned them this triumph 穆里尼奧的球隊不會因風格而受到高度贊揚,但他們的球員對他們的技術理智都充滿信心,而正是他們的簡單卻不引人注意的戰術替他們贏得了這場勝利。 |
“ there is still work to be done to improve the defence because it is a whole new unit , “ he continued . “ but i am happy with domenico criscito and jorge andrade who has nous , class and experience “由于現在是一條完全嶄新的防線,所以我們還有很多工作要提升, ”他繼續道, “但是我很高興的看到克里斯西托和安德拉德的狀態、水平和經驗。 |
His duties include phoning journalists to mention , entre nous , that a company boss whose interests conflict with his client ' s was defrocked as a priest in 1979 他的職責包括給記者打電話,神秘兮兮地告訴他們,與他的客戶存在利害沖突的某公司老板在1979年被免去牧師資格。 |
[ color = darkorange ] [ b ] divorce , inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 離婚、遺產繼承和商業頭腦使得越來越多的女性成為百萬富翁,其增長速度為有錢男性的五倍。 |
The time period of alcmaeon , who proposed four ' powers ' of the body : hot , cold , wet , and dry . also asked the question , “ where does the nous live ? 阿爾克邁翁(又譯阿爾克芒)時期,提出身體的四種“力量” :熱、冷、干、濕。還提出了“心靈居于何處? ”的疑問。 |
Divorce , inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 離婚、遺產繼承和商業頭腦使得越來越多的女性成為百萬富翁,其增長速度為有錢男性的五倍。 |
Divorce , inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 離婚遺產繼承和商業頭腦使得越來越多的女性成為百萬富翁,其增長速度為有錢男性的五倍。 |
Divorce , inheritance and busine nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 離婚、遺產繼承和商業頭腦使得越來越多的女性成為百萬富翁,其增長速度為有錢男性的五倍。 |
This article tries to integrate the self - education of ideological and political education to selfhood - ology of confucianism on the base of value nous 本文以價值理性為基點,力圖把思想政治教育的自我教育與儒學“為己之學”契合起來。 |
Pardon , madame / monsieur , nous ne pouvons pas r pondre votre question , veuillez contacter les services int ress s de la mairie de beijing 對不起,女士/先生,您提出的問題不在我們的服務范圍內,請您與北京市政府相關部門聯系。 |
Jose mourinho continues to buy the premier league title but rafa will continue to show his nous with whatever transfer funds he has 穆利尼奧還在繼續用錢堆砌聯賽冠軍,但是拉法也將繼續展示他的本事,無論他手頭的轉會資金是多少。 |
Cette nation magnifique que nous avons en partage . la france , notre nation , mes chers compatriotes , nous devons toujours en tre profond ment fiers 我們同享這個壯麗的國家。法蘭西,我們的祖國,同胞們我們應該始終為之驕傲。 |