notoriety n.1.有名(多指壞的方面),臭名昭著;丑名。2.聲名狼...
n. 1.有名(多指壞的方面),臭名昭著;丑名。 2.聲名狼藉的人物。 “notorious“ 中文翻譯: adj. (壞的方面)有名的,臭名遠揚的,臭名昭彰的,聲名狼藉的。 a notorious crybaby 有名的好哭的孩子。 a ship notorious for ill luck 有名多災多難的一條船。 be notorious for 以…出名。 It is notorious that .... …是眾所周知的(事實)。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “notori“ 中文翻譯: 野鳥“notorious big“ 中文翻譯: 臭名昭著的大先生; 聲名狼藉先生“notorhynchus maculatus“ 中文翻譯: 哈那鯊“notorious eight“ 中文翻譯: 千門八將“notora river“ 中文翻譯: 諾托拉河“notorious for his goings on“ 中文翻譯: 以他的行為而惡名昭著“notor column“ 中文翻譯: 運動柱“notorious possession“ 中文翻譯: 公然占有“notoptreygiumdecoctionofnineingredients“ 中文翻譯: 九味羌活湯 九味羌活湯
notorious |
Here was a gorgeous triumph ; they were missed ; they were mourned ; hearts were breaking on their account ; tears were being shed ; accusing memories of unkindness to these poor lost lads were rising up , and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged ; and best of all , the departed were the talk of the whole town , and the envy of all the boys , as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned 由此可見還有人惦記他們,有人哀悼他們,有人為他們傷心斷腸,有人為他們痛哭流涕。那些人一想到自己曾經對這幾個失蹤的苦孩子怎么怎么不好,良心上就會受到譴責,就會愧疚不已,可是悔之晚矣。頂頂重要的是,全鎮子的男女老少一定都在談論這幾個淹死的人,而別的孩子見他們如此聲名顯赫,既羨慕又忌妒。 |
They talked together for a few moments ; the young man rejoined his friends , the horses set off again , and as i approached the group , i now recognized the man who had spoken to marguerite as the same count de g whose portrait i had seen and whom prudence had pointed out as the person to whom marguerite owed her notoriety 他們談了一會兒年輕人又回到他那些朋友中去了。馬車繼續往前行進,我走近那群人,認出了這個跟瑪格麗特講話的人就是g伯爵,我曾經看到過他的肖像,普律當絲告訴過我瑪格麗特今日的地位就是他造成的。 |
Me imperturbe , standing at ease in nature , master of all of mistress of all , aplomb in the midst of irrational things , imbued as they , passive , receptive , silent as they , finding my occupation , poverty , notoriety , foibles , crimes , less important than i thought , me toward the mexican sea , or in manhattan or tennessee , or far north or inland , ariver man , or the lakes or kanada , me wherever my life is lived , o to be self - alanced for contingencies , to confront night , storms , hunger , ridicule , accidents , rebuffs , as the trees amd animals do 我鎮定,悠然立于自然之間,萬物的主人或主婦,坦然面對世間的混亂,正如它們般充盈,溫順嫻靜,包容四海,才感到我的生計,潦倒,惡名,瑕疵和罪惡,是如此的不名一文,我向著墨西哥海,或在曼哈頓,田納西,抑或在遙遠的北方,深深的內陸做一個漁民、獵手、各州或沿海的農民,抑或是在加拿大,在湖畔,不論我身處何方,都要寵辱不驚,臨危不亂,就像樹木和動物一樣,堅韌面對黑夜風暴,人情冷暖。 |
Mignon , rendered frantic by his wife s caprice and annoyed at the thought that this man fauchery brought nothing but a certain doubiful notoriety to his household , had conceived the idea of revenging himself on the journalist by overwhelming him with tokens of friendship 米尼翁對他妻子的朝三暮四很惱火,看到福什利帶給他們夫妻的僅僅是一些引起爭論的廣告性小文章,于是他便想出一種方法來進行報復,那就是對他表示過分親熱。 |
Boys of his own size pretended not to know he had been away at all ; but they were consuming with envy , nevertheless . they would have given anything to have that swarthy suntanned skin of his , and his glittering notoriety ; and tom would not have parted with either for a circus 他們要是也能像這個鬼東西那樣,皮膚被曬得黝黑,又如此受人仰目,那死也眠目,但就是拿馬戲團來換,湯姆一樣也不愿讓給他們。 |
A great thing for a player who just three months ago celebrated the world cup title and now has to play in serie b after the italian judiciaries demoted the turin club for the notoriety they achieved through the infamous match - fixing scandal 對于一位剛剛捧起世界杯的球員,屈身意乙就像是一個壯舉,在險惡的意大利法官宣布都靈巨人降級后,七月漫天飛雪。 |
Besides the pleasure , there is always remorse from the indulgence of our passions , and , after all , what have you men to fear from all this ? the world excuses , and notoriety ennobles you . 當我們沉溺在熱情里的時候,除了快樂,總會覺得有些懊喪,福音書上曾為此舉出了許多可歌可泣的例子,以改邪歸正末安慰我們我們這些可憐的女人。 |
“ however , the published figures are most likely a gross underestimate , as twice as many species may currently be awaiting notoriety through future publications , “ the report adds 報告接著指出:無論如何,公布的統計數字很有可能大幅低估了實際的數字,可能有超過兩倍數目的物種正在等待命名,并在發表后才會為世人所知。 |
Here are several of the top ten april fool ' s day pranks ever pulled off , as judged by the us website of museum of hoaxes for their notoriety , absurdity , and number of people duped 日前,美國“惡作劇博物館”網站根據惡作劇的知名度、荒誕性及被愚弄的人數,評選出了媒體所制造的愚人節“十大經典惡搞新聞” 。 |
Here are several of the top ten april fool ' s day pranks ever pulled off , as judged by the us website of museum of hoaxes for their notoriety , absurdity , and number of people duped 日前,美國“惡作劇博物館”網站根據惡作劇的知名度荒誕性及被愚弄的人數,評選出了媒體所制造的愚人節“十大經典惡搞新聞” 。 |
Jones soda , which sells traditional sodas alongside more exotic flavors like fufu berry and green apple , first introduced the holiday soda pack in 2003 , gaining notoriety for its turkey and gravy flavor soda 2003年, jones soda公司首次推出了“節日飲料禮包” ,當時的火雞和肉湯味飲料便聲名遠揚。 |
Tall , striking , redheaded australian actress already had a career of some substance when she gained notoriety in the us as the second wife of superstar tom cruise 這位擁有一頭紅發,身材高挑,引人注目的澳大利亞女演員在成為超級巨星湯姆克魯斯的第二任妻子之前,已經是一位真正意義上的演員了。 |
Woods shot to notoriety for her inadequate explanations of how she came to erase part of the tape . she never told what the tape held before her death 伍茲因為沒有充分解釋她抹掉那段帶子的原因而落得聲名狼藉。直到臨死前,她也沒有說出那段缺失的磁帶到底隱匿了什么。 |
No , while i grimaced a little as i stumbled through the las vegas level , what struck me as especially cool was the game ' s newly implemented notoriety system 拋開界面不談,當我微微皺眉蹣跚在拉斯維加斯那一關時,著實讓我覺得很酷的是游戲新執行的惡名系統。 |
The hainan discovery triathlon will be that rare combination of fun , challenge , and international notoriety - all sprinkled with a dusting of adventure 2002年中國三亞國際鐵人三項賽將是一個融合了樂趣,挑戰和國際關注的冒險之旅。 |
Flavors like fufu berry and green apple , first introduced the holiday soda pack in 2003 , gaining notoriety for its turkey and gravy flavor soda 節日期間, jones soda公司將推出怪味飲料包,其中包括綠豆口味肉湯口味火雞口味等。 |
Our bench is going to have to make adjustments because they ' ve made some notoriety for themselves and there will be more pressure for them to perform 現在夸梅-布朗回來了,我不知道在剩下的比賽他們倆誰會作為球隊的先發。 |
Sizz specializes in obtaining things that are not hers , performing these crimes as much for the fun of it as the notoriety 嘶嘶擅長把不屬于她的東西化為己有,她為了從中獲取樂趣同時也為了出臭名而犯罪。 |
His rubbery look , and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in 他那似橡膠我眼神,以及對狂野和極至行為的酷愛,令他名聲遠揚,樂此不疲。 |