
notional adj.1.觀念上的;概念上的,抽象的,純理論的;想像中...


At the beginning of each month lc deducts from the policyholder s notional holdings in the investment funds sufficient units to cover the life insurance charge 每逢月初, lc會從持有人名義上持有的投資基金單位,扣取足夠的單位,以支付人壽保險費。

Increase the notional annual salary cost ceiling for the education and manpower bureau and sfaa so that additional staff can be provided to administer the proposals 提高教育統籌局和學生資助辦事處的估計年薪成本上限,以便增加人手推行各項建議。

The fund has also financed pilot programs to help provincial governments put actual assets , rather than notional credits , into personal accounts 這項基金也利用籌款項目幫助各省政府填充個人退休金帳戶,以使概念信用具有實際價值。

China provides vital food and energy supplies , but is opposed to the imposition of economic sanctions on its communist neighbour and notional ally 中國提供必需食品和能量供給,但這尤違于對他的共產主義鄰居和精神同盟的經濟制裁。

Where the “ notional ” interest exceeds the cost of the debit items no charge is made , although no interest is credited to the account 盡管賬戶上沒有貸記利息,但凡是“名義上”的利率超過借記項目的費用,就不收取費用。

A similar trick is used to calculate a notional exchange rate for the venezuelan bolivar , fixed by government since 2003 其實早在2003年以來,這樣的計算方法就被用于計算由政府定值的委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾的概念匯率。

A similar trick is used to calculate a notional exchange rate for the venezuelan bolivar , fixed by government since 2003 一種類似的方法被用來計算委內瑞拉博力瓦的名義匯率,官方匯率在2003年以來被政府所固定。

The creation of supernumerary posts held against permanent posts in ranks with a lower notional annual mid - point salary value 開設額外職位,以暫時填補按薪級中點薪額估計年薪值較低職級內的常額職位

( in chinese , a 的 - phrase is formed by attaching the structural particle “ 的 ” to a notional word such as noun and pronoun , e . g 在漢語里,名詞、代詞等實詞后面加上“的”就構成了“的”字詞組。

In this case , the date of departure will be taken as the date of the notional exercise for purposes of calculating the gain 在這情況下,離港日期將會設定為名義上行使認購權的日期,以計算利益。

These credit derivatives have exploded in recent years , to an outstanding notional amount of $ 43 trillion 這類信用衍生物近年來發展迅速,目前價值達到4300萬億這個令人吃驚的數目。

The stock basket price falls , the percentage loss for that quarter will be deducted from the maximum notional return of 80 % 當籃子股份價格下跌若籃子股份價格下跌,就會對最高的

If a flat is provided , a notional benefit , called “ rental value “ , should be added to income 你如獲雇主提供一個住宅單位,你的應評稅入息就必須包括一項象徵利益,稱為租值rv 。

Abn amro , for example , is counterparty to derivatives worth an estimated euro10 trillion in notional principal 比如,荷蘭銀行是賬面價值達10萬億歐元的金融衍生工具的交易商。

A notional distinction may be drawn between - ( a ) asas , ippas and tsps ; and ( b ) mlas , sfos and dtas 民用航空運輸協定、促進和保護投資協定和移交被判刑人的協定;與

Another form from the consideration of notion - the artistic creation notional deviation of quot; the red classic quot; revised teleplay 改編劇在藝術創作觀念上的偏離與迷失

These credit derivatives have exploded in recent years , to an outstanding notional amount of $ 43 trillion 這類金融衍生品近年來迅速興起,達到了43萬億美元輝煌記錄。

The following examples are for illustrative purpose with notional sketch layout plans and 3 - dimensional drawings 下文的例子借助虛構的發展草圖和立體繪圖加以說明。

The notional amount of outstanding derivatives contracts at end march 1995 was us 1 . 6 trillion 迄一九九五年三月底,未平倉衍生投資工具合約名義金額為1 . 6萬億美元。