
nota notum 的復數。

nota bene

Abstract : a conclusion has been proved indelail that only if the na tural frequency k of a symmetric structure is nota duplicate root , the vibra tion mode of the strusture must be symmetrical orantisymmetrical . this conclusio n is advantageous to simplify the structural dynamicanalysis and pratically usef ul 文摘:給出了有關對稱結構體系的動力特性的一個結論:對稱的結構振動體系,對應于任一非重根的自振頻率,其主振型必定是對稱的或反對稱的.并給出了詳細的證明.應用這個結論,有利于對稱結構動力分析的簡化,具有實用價值

Nota : each person is required to completed in this form in duplicate when applying for establishing a representative office in both chinese and english 注:申請設立常駐代表機構時填寫此表,每人一式二份,中英文對照。

I ' m nota thief , you know 你知道,我不是小偷

However , this is nota game that only the well - heeled can play 然而,這并不是只有富人才能參加的比賽。

That ' s nota word ! that ' s not a word 沒有那個詞,根本沒那個詞

You know that ' s nota pop - up book , right 你知道那可不是一本。兒童立體游戲書不是嗎?