
nostradamus n.1.諾斯特拉達穆斯〔1503-1566,法國占星術士...


No matter how brilliant we are , we can t use the mind to analyze , interpret , or discuss them . one morning during group meditation , however , suddenly the disclosures of nostradamus on eastern philosophy and religion , the beauty of the moon , the grace of meditation , the symbols of the mystic traditions of the east and west , and the glory of an enlightened being all appeared to my intuition . i was entering a wonderful world filled with light 一天早晨在共修時,忽然間,諾氏對東方哲學和宗教的提示月亮的美麗打坐的功德東方和西方神秘傳統的特號一位開悟眾生的榮耀,這些都出現在我的直覺中,我進入了一充滿光亮的奇妙世界,先知諾氏的一句預言詩先知姓氏的后半截c2q28非常清楚生動地回響在我的耳邊,忽然間, suma這個名稱發出亮光持續出現在我的眼前,有一股無形的柔和力量催促我提前結束打坐,回家查看那本有關諾氏的書。

In another section of the book , the author related nostradamus prediction to shakyamuni buddha s , saying : “ the next great world teacher , who is given the name maitreya meaning friend , will appear around the year a . d . 2000 and will restore momentum and power to all those seeking after truth . 在這本書的另一章節中,作者將諾氏的預言和釋迦牟尼佛的說法比較,作者寫道:下一位偉大的明師將于公元兩千年前后出現,幫助尋找真理的人們重獲力量, ?的名字是彌勒佛,是朋友的意思。

Does a vegetarian diet reduce one s strength as is commonly believed by people around the world ? well nostradamus , the great french prophet of the sixteenth century , foretold in his book , “ centuries , “ that a deep - rooted aspect of human lifestyle will be shattered and that vegetarianism will gradually become the common practice in the new era 近年來全球各地,人類時常以慣常偏見來看待茹素人口法國十六世紀大預言家諾斯卓丹諾斯nostradamus所著末代啟示,顯示當代有一股新趨勢正沖擊著人類根深柢固的生活方式,以素食為主食,漸漸成為人類邁向新時代的飲食主流。

At the halloween celebration in october 1999 at the los angeles center in california , i was fortunate enough to stand near master . i said to her , “ master , after reading a book on nostradamus several times and after meditation sessions in groups and by myself , i know for sure that you are the maitreya buddha . 1999年10月在加州洛杉磯小中心的萬圣節慶祝會上,我有幸站在師父的近旁,我告訴師父:師父,我讀了幾遍有關諾氏的書,而且自己打坐并參加共修后,我肯定您就是彌勒佛。

If you agree that signs like a volatile middle east , skyrocketing oil prices , a hostile islamic world and an increased rate of natural disasters could soon lead to wwiii - then the prophesies of nostradamus examined under this new microscope will absolutely blow your mind 如果你認為中東的不穩定因素,石油價格是導火線,伊斯蘭世界的敵意和不斷增長的自然災害是第三次世界大戰的跡象的話? ?那么對諾氏預言的檢驗是在這個新的顯微鏡之下,會完全地打擊著你的眼睛。

At the end of the book , readers will find prophecies made over four hundred years ago by the renowned french seer nostradamus , who mentions a great female master from the orient who will lead the world away from disaster . his words even allude to master s name and life story 本書結尾的壓軸篇章是法國大預言家諾斯特拉達穆斯nostradamus在四百年前所作的預言:一位來自東方的女性明師將帶領世人走出劫難,他的預言甚至清楚地指出師父的名字和生平。

One day at midnight , i was racking my brains over some quatrains by nostradamus , wondering how they should be translated . i thought of master and she called me on the phone ! at the end of the talk , she asked if i had any problems , so i took the opportunity to consult her 有一天半夜,面對著諾斯特拉達穆斯的預言詩,我正愁著不知如何翻譯其中的幾句,心中想到師父,師父就突然打電話來了,最后還問我有沒有什么問題,我就藉機請問她。

Written 450 years ago , the predictions of nostradamus attracted me greatly , and i was absorbed in the book . each line was an amazing discovery , shedding light on wonders and mysteries that have yet to be clarified by other prophets 雖然這些預言是諾氏450年前寫的,但還是非常吸引人,我完全投入于這本書中,每一行都是令人驚異的發現,它為一些其他預言家還沒有搞清楚的謎團帶來光明。

This past summer , i happened to stop by a bookstore in san jose , california . there i found a book called “ nostradamus and predictions for the latter half of the 20th century , “ in the aulacese language , published by the world publishing company 年夏季我在加州圣荷西逛一家書店,偶然發現了世界出版公司出版的悠樂文書諾斯特拉達穆斯和他對二十世紀后半葉的預言。

Today , someone was talking with me in the back mountain about nostradamus predictions about this century , this time of our era when there will be a guru who comes to the world , the savior of the world 今天在后山有人跟我談到諾斯特拉達穆斯對本世紀的預言,他說在這個時代,會有明師降世,是救世主。

As if by a miracle , the stream of light inside me illuminated my mind and helped me immediately read the last four letters of the prophet s name : nostradamus 像奇跡似的,有一股內在的光芒照亮了我的頭腦,一下就讓我看到了諾氏名字nostradamus的后四個字母。

In issue 108 of the news magazine , there is a telephone number at the end of the article on predictions by nostradamus . have you tried calling this number 108期新聞雜志有關諾斯特拉達穆斯的預言的文章最后有一個電話號碼,不知讀者有沒有試著打看看?

For the same reason , nostradamus dared not mention the exact name , religions or events , etc . for further clarity , call wireless co . 999 - 10000 - 1 當年諾氏也是一樣,不敢直接寫出人名宗教事件等。若想要獲得進一步澄清資料,請撥無線公司999 - 10000 - 1

Far less flavorful than today , wines during the renaissance were often drunk “ mulled “ or “ honeyed “ . nostradamus used them in his medicinal potions 葡萄酒在文藝復興時期經常加熱或加蜂蜜飲用,口味遠不及今天可口。占卜者在制作藥劑時使用它。

It ? s still a mystery . ) in any rate , it was good that we were able to pass the end of the millennium without any problem 今天有件事情清楚nostradamus并不是一個騙子而是硬幣藝術師(這仍是個謎)無論如何,平安的度過千禧年是很好的。

And same hour ! she continued in a joking tone , saying that otherwise the world could not have lasted to the year 2000 , just as nostradamus had predicted 師父笑著說,不然這個世界維持不到西元2000年,就像諾斯特拉丹姆斯預言的那樣!

With a total of eight chapters , the nostradamus code : world war iii opens with an overview of the bewildering events currently unfolding on the world stage 諾查丹瑪斯的密碼:第三次世界大戰在當前令人混亂的世界上展開共有八章。

It ? s still a mystery . in any rate , it was good that we were able to pass the end of the millennium without any problem 今天有件事情清楚nostradamus并不是一個騙子而是硬幣藝術師這仍是個謎無論如何,平安的度過千禧年是很好的。

She continued in a joking tone , saying that otherwise the world could not have lasted to the year 2000 , just as nostradamus had predicted 師父笑著說,不然這個世界維持不到西元2000年,就像諾斯特拉丹姆斯預言的那樣!