northwards adv.=northward (ad.).
adv. =northward (ad.). “northway“ 中文翻譯: 諾斯韋“northwardly“ 中文翻譯: adv.,adj. 向北方(的)。 “northway ak“ 中文翻譯: 諾思韋“northward“ 中文翻譯: adj. 向北的;來自北方的。 adv. 向北,向北方;來自北方。 n. 向北的方向;北方的地區。 “northway bunyavirus“ 中文翻譯: 北路本揚病毒; 北路本揚簿“northville state hospital“ 中文翻譯: 諾思維爾州立醫院“northway junction“ 中文翻譯: 諾斯韋章克申“northville“ 中文翻譯: 諾斯維爾“northway virus“ 中文翻譯: 諾思威病毒; 諾思威簿“northupite“ 中文翻譯: 氯碳鈉鎂石
northwest |
Following the east element , the north temperate elements consist of 53 species corresponding to 29 . 94 % of the total . the tropical elements ( including pantropical element , paleotropical element and india - malaysia element ) consist of 38 species sharing 21 . 47 % of the total . the results show that the houhe national nature reserve is transitional climatic belt where the tropical and subtropical elements extend northwards and the north temperate elements infiltrate southwards , which accords with its geographical location 本文按現有資料,并參照吳征鎰先生對中國種子植物屬的分布區類型的劃分,將后河自然保護區蘚類植物劃分為9種成分,其中東亞成分是最豐富的成分,有65種,占總數(扣除世界廣布種,下同)的36 . 72 ,北溫帶成分有53種,占29 . 94 ,僅次于東亞成分,熱帶成分(包括泛熱帶成分、古熱帶成分和熱帶亞洲)有38種,占總種數的21 . 47 。 |
This , incidentally , is how i first saw the south german and danubian paintings that led me back from the nineteenth century to the fifteenth , and northwards from bavaria to the netherlands , then on again to my apotheosis in the late spring of 1565 , in a rich valley beneath the snowcapped peaks of the flemish alps 就這樣,我首次看到了南日耳曼和多瑙河的繪畫,它們引我從十九世紀退回十五世紀,從巴伐利亞往北走到荷蘭,然后再引我于1565年春末,到達弗蘭德阿爾卑斯山的雪峰下肥沃山谷中我心中的至善之地。 |
The coqen basin in xizang lies between the bangong - nujiang suture zone and yarlung zangbo suture zone , and once extended northwards and southwards , respectively centred by the qiekan - goicang - asog rift zone as the center of deposition and subsidence during the middle jurassic to the early creatceous . ( 1 ) during the middle - late jurassic , the rift zone was occupied by deep - water turbidites , radiolarian siliceous rocks , shallow - water carbonate rocks , clastic rocks and basic - ultrabasic rocks , while both sides of it by littoral and shallow marine elastic rocks and carbonate rocks 摘要位于班公湖怒江縫合帶與雅魯藏布江縫合帶之間的措勤盆地,在中侏羅世早白堊世期間具有以且坎古昌阿索裂谷帶為沉積、沉降中心向南北兩側展開的古地理格局:中晚侏羅世時期,裂谷帶內由深水濁積巖、放射蟲硅質巖和淺水碳酸鹽巖、碎屑巖巖片及基性超基性巖等組成;裂谷帶兩側由濱淺海相碎屑巖和碳酸鹽巖組成。 |
Thus , it can be clearly recognized that the global continents located at near equator and southern hemisphere , showed the characteristics of range along latitude ; chinese continental blocks still located among the laurentia , siberia and gondwana in paleozoic ; following the fast moving of siberia plate to northwards , the amalgamation in north - south direction at the western parts of laurentia and gondwana , subducted the lapetus and rheic oceans , until to form the uniform pangea in the late stage of paleozoic ; however australia and india plates in eastern gondwana move and disperse gradually to southwards , to extend crust and form the paleo - tethys ocean ; the chinese continental blocks and adjacent blocks still located in paleo - tethys ocean , preserved the status of dispersion , gradually moving to northwards , showed the characteristics of range along north - south orientation , until carboniferous and triassic a series of local collisions happened in tianshan - hing ' anling , kunlun , qinling - dabie , jingshajiang and shaoxing - shiwandashan zones , thus the most part of chinese continental blocks amalgamated to eurasia continent 由此可以清晰地看出,在古生代早期全球各大陸的主要部分都位于赤道附近及南半球,大致表現為沿緯度、呈東西向排列的特征,中國及鄰區的小陸塊群在古生代始終都處在勞倫大陸、西伯利亞與岡瓦納大陸之間;隨著西伯利亞大陸的快速北移,在勞倫大陸與岡瓦納大陸的西部地區發生南北向拼合,亞皮特斯洋和里克洋的消亡,到古生代晚期形成統一的泛大陸;而岡瓦納大陸的東部(澳大利亞和印度等)則逐漸向南移動、離散,地殼張開,構成古特提斯洋;中國及鄰區的小陸塊群則一直處在古特提斯洋中,保持離散狀態,總體上緩慢地向北運移,并逐漸轉為近南北向的排列方式,石炭紀到三疊紀才在天山興安嶺、昆侖山、秦嶺大別、金沙江和紹興十萬大山等地段發生一系列局部性的陸陸碰撞,使中國大陸地塊的大部分逐漸并入歐亞大陸。 |
Take the mtr to shau kei wan station and turn left at exit b1 , walk northwards along shau kei wan main street east for about 10 minutes to the island eastern corridor , cross the road by the pedestrian subway and you will get to tam kung temple on the north of the corridor 從地下鐵路筲箕灣站b1出口步出后左轉,沿筲箕灣東大街往北走大約10分鐘便會看到東區走廊。利用行人隧道橫過路口,便可到達坐落于東區走廊北面的譚公廟。 |
However , in july 2002 , the subtropical ridge did not extend to southern china and the steering flow over the northwest pacific had a more northerly direction than usual . as a result , the tropical cyclones in the region were carried northwards and did not enter the south china sea ( 但今年同期副熱帶高壓脊并沒有西伸至華南,使西北太平洋上引導氣流的方向比正常偏北,在該區的熱帶氣旋因此偏向北移,而不向西進入南海( |
In the global warming period of 1968 - 2002 , the locations of landfalling typhoons in china mostly situated in the middle of the east coastal area of china and the position whereat northwestern pacific typhoons reached their maximum strength had a trend to move northwards during its life 在1968 - 2002年全球明顯增暖時段,我國臺風登陸位置偏向我國中部,西北太平洋臺風在生命史中強度達最強時的位置有向北移動的趨勢。 |
Take the mtr to shau kei wan station and turn left at exit b1 , walk northwards along shau kei wan main street east for about 10 minutes to the island eastern corridor , cross the road by the pedestrian subway , then walk along tung hei road for 5 minutes more 從地下鐵路筲箕灣站b1出口步出后左轉,沿筲箕灣東大街往北走,大約10分鐘后便會看見東區走廊。利用行人隧道橫過路口,再沿東喜道步行5分鐘便可到達。 |
On 1 october , it made landfall near tokyo and moved northwards across the northern part of honshu . higos weakened into a severe tropical storm on the early morning of 2 october and soon became an extratropical cyclone off the northwest coast of hokkaido 海高斯于十月一日在東京附近登陸后向北推進,越過日本本州北部,于十月二日清晨減弱為一個強烈熱帶風暴,隨后在北海道西北對開海面變為一個溫帶氣旋。 |
Walk from that exit straight ahead to the main road ( che kung miu road ) and turn left . walk along the road northwards until reaching a pedestrian subway . cross the main road ( che kung miu road ) by the subway 亦可乘九廣東鐵抵達大圍站,依照指示從往車公廟的出口離開,向前走到車公廟路,然后轉左向北直走,來到一條行人隧道的入口,再沿隧道橫過車公廟路,回到地面上,便會看見車公廟。 |
It joins ningbo city eastwards , hangzhou city westwards , wenzhou city southwards , and hangzhou gulf northwards and is opposite to shanghai city merely by a river . it has a jurisdiction area 1427 square kilometers , marine area 212 square kilometers and population 780 , 000 到了父系氏族后期,虞舜因丹朱之亂,率百官避難于此,并常常與諸侯商討大事,一起娛樂,故得名上虞,即皇上在此娛樂的意思。 |
Developing the spare part industry of the automobile in shenyang , can not only set to the local completed bus , but also radiate to northwards changchun and harbin , southwards tianjin and beijing . all right reserved chinabuses . com 不過對于有充分空間位置的大客車來講,既能解決上述麻煩又能降低廢氣竄入車廂的程度,因此大型客車很流行發動機后置后輪驅動的汽車驅動形式。 |
But thanks to gods mercy , typhoon sinlaku , a source of enormous alarm to local residents , edged northwards away from formosa , bringing only large quantities of rainfall and less than expected levels of damage in its wake 感謝上天垂愛,這個讓此地民眾一直保持高度戒備的辛樂克臺風偏北行進,避過福爾摩沙,只帶來相當的雨量,而沒有造成太大災情。 |
Re - allocation of tram stop during the period from 7 am to 7 pm on october 12 , 13 , 14 , 19 and 20 , the tram stop on wong nai chung road opposite the hong kong jockey club will be resited northwards for about 30 meters 十月十二、十三、十四、十九及二十日上午七時至下午七時,位于黃泥涌道馬會對面的電車站將會向北移前約三十米。 |
Diagnosising energy and angular momentum chang of subtropical high when it actually bounce northwards , we get three ways of chang of angular momentum and provide basis of forcasting of subtropical high 結合實際診斷了解副高北跳的能量和角動量等變化情況,得到北跳時角動量補償三種方式等,為短期預報副高北跳提供依據。 |
During the year , the group has invested over hk 10 million in expanding facilities in shaoguan , in line with its long - term plan to move its production northwards , from shenzhen to shaoguan 集團在回顧年度內投入了超過一千萬港元擴充在韶關的生產設施,以配合將生產逐步由深圳北移至韶關的長遠計劃。 |
It is contrary to our expectation that the actual growth in water consumption deviated from our projection as a result of our industries moving northwards since the early 90s 當然,在90年代初開始,本港的工業不斷北移,導致實際的增長率與估計有所偏差,是當時所始料不及。 |
After making landfall near shanwei , kammuri moved northwards at about 20 kmh and weakened gradually into an area of low pressure over jiangxi province that night 它于同日在汕尾附近登陸后,以每小時約20公里的速度向北移動,并于該晚在江西省逐漸減弱為一個低壓區。 |
During the period from 7 am to 7 pm on october 22 , the tram stop on wong nai chung road opposite the hong kong jockey club will be relocated northwards for about 30 meters 十月二十二日上午七時至下午七時,位于黃泥涌道馬會對面的電車站將會向北移前約三十米。 |