
normally adv.正常情況下,通常,一般說來 (=as a rul...


Normally , i think he should have the right to reply our criticism . 按理,我認為他應該有對我們的批評進行答辯的權利。

She found an atmosphere of gloom in the normally hushed corridors of power . 她發現原來十分喧鬧的走廓現在充滿了憂愁。

Both eliminators and inlet baffles are normally installed in a vertical position . 擋水板和異流片通常都是垂直安裝。

Paraffin waxes are normally marketed on the basis of a melting-point test . 石臘一般按其熔點不同在市場上分類出售。

She was a woman with a normally brisk manner and alert, penetrating eyes . 她是一個舉止輕快,兩眼炯炯有神的婦女。

In criminal cases the jury is not normally concerned with sentence . 在刑事案件中,正規地講,陪審團不涉及到量刑。

Normally the shear velocity is about half of the compressional velocity . 一般地說橫波速度大約是縱波速度的一半。

Normally the effect of this will be to produce a new function . 在通常情況下,這樣做的效果將會產生一個新函數。

An atom normally contains equal numbers of electrons and protons . 原子在正常情況下含有數目相等的電子和質子。

Sheet edges are normally either graduate lines or grid lines . 頁面圖廓,通常不是經緯網線,就是直角坐標網線。

Surface winds are normally measured by instruments called anemometers . 地面風通常用稱為風速計的儀器來測量。

Normally this may be calculated simply be assuming additive volumes . 可以簡單地假設一個附加體積來進行計算。

Edema tends to appear first where tissue turgor is normally lowest . 水腫首先表現在正常時充盈度最低的部位。

His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg . 他那條狗平日很溫順,這次突然發作咬了他的腿。

His eyes, normally pale and reserved, snapped and glittered . 他平時黯淡,含蓄的雙眸,這時放射出了光茫。

Bills of attainder were normally initiated in the house of lords . 《掠奪公權法案》通常由上議院制定。

Normally a point in space is identified by means of coordinates . 空間中的點通常是依靠座標來定位的。

Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything . 通常保險公司愿意保險的事情包羅萬象。

It is necessary to curtail or alter normally coexisting stimuli . 必需消除或改變正常時并存的刺激。