
nonviolence n.非暴力主義。 He is too well awar...


Coretta scott king , who worked to keep her husband ' s dream alive with a chin - held - high grace and serenity that made her a powerful symbol of the rev . martin luther king jr . ' s creed of brotherhood and nonviolence , died tuesday . she was 78 . the “ first lady of the civil rights movement “ died in her sleep during the night at an alternative medicine clinic in mexico , her family said 對于科雷塔斯科特金的去世,馬丁路德金中心降半旗致哀美國一些民眾為了表示哀悼,也紛紛在馬丁路德金墓前敬獻了鮮花美國總統布什則稱贊她是“一位杰出勇敢的女性,是偉大的民權領導者” 。

Worship of the vedic authorized deity form of the supreme lord , the brahmanas , the spiritual master and men of wisdom ; cleanliness , simplicity , celibacy and nonviolence to any living entity is declared austerity of the body 崇拜尊敬《呋陀》經里權威規定的至尊主的神性形象,婆羅門,靈性上師和智者;潔凈,儉樸,獨身,對任何生物都親和友善,所有這些都屬于體行(身)上的戒修。

They adopted a statement setting forth 13 principles for a future iraqi government , chosen by the iraqi people and not “ imposed from outside “ and incorporating federalism , nonviolence and respect for diversity , including a role for women 這個政府該由伊拉克人選擇,不受外力干預,同時采納聯邦制度和非暴力手段,尊重多元化的原則,包括接受婦女參政。

It is home to the world s largest middle class already and a remarkable culture that taught the modern world the power of nonviolence . for 50 years pakistan has been a vibrant islamic state , and is today a robust democracy 過去半世紀中,全球各國逐漸變得愈來愈互相依賴,這段歷史清楚的證明,整合能減少沖突,并為穩定與繁榮奠定更好的基礎。

Coretta scott king , who worked to keep her husband ' s dream alive with a chin - held - high grace and serenity that made her a powerful symbol of the rev . martin luther king jr . ' s creed of brotherhood and nonviolence , died tuesday 她的遺體將運回美國亞特蘭大安葬。醫生透露,科雷塔上周四入院之前已是卵巢癌晚期,她的直接死亡原因是呼吸衰竭。

Sentiments in favour of nonviolence ( ahimsa ) and vegetarianism , much encouraged by the heterodox sects , spread during the mauryan period and were greatly encouraged by asoka 支持非暴力和素食主義的觀點,大多是受到非正統教派的鼓勵,在孔雀王朝時期廣泛傳播,大大地受到阿育王的鼓勵。

He provides an erudite exploration of the world s great religious traditions , all with underlying traditions of nonviolence , tolerance , reincarnation and a disdain for meat - eating 餐館開張后,很多客人都詢問素食的做法,并買素料準備回家自己做。

“ nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind . it is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man . 非暴力是人類最偉大的武器,比世界上最有殺傷力的武器還更有威力。

Gandhi said : it ' s better to be violent if there ' s violent in our hearts , ; than to put on the cloak on nonviolence to cover impotence 甘地說:如果心中有暴力,那么去實施它要比用無暴力的外衣遮掩自己的無能要強得多。

Martin ruther king jr . was awarded the peace noble prize of 1964 for ? advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights 馬丁?路德?金因為主張民權運動中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年諾貝爾和平獎。

Martin ruther king jr . was awarded the peace nobal prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights 小馬丁.路德.金因為主張民權運動中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年諾貝爾和平獎。

Nonviolence is not just abstention from war , fighting , or animal flesh . it is abstention from negative thoughts and negative speech 非暴力不只是對戰爭、打斗、或肉的禁絕,更是對一切負面思想及言語的舍棄。

He talks about nonviolence - - but this is not nonviolence ; nothing can be more violent a step than this 他談論非暴力? ?但這并不是非暴力;沒有任何措施的暴力有甚于此。

Publishers of books and ebooks on vegetarianism , spirituality , natural healing , and nonviolence 出版婦女兒童讀物為主的綜合性出版社。提供新書介紹專題和書評。

They believe in nonviolence , simple living and little contact with the modern world 他們崇尚非暴力、深居簡出和遠離現代社會的生活方式。

A philosopher of nonviolence 非暴力的哲學家

For advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights 因為主張在民權運動中采取非暴力政策

A comparative study on the nonviolence of gan - de and li - saer 論甘地與黎薩爾非暴力原則的異同

He is too well aware of the doubts about the efficacy of nonviolence . 對非暴力主義的實效的懷疑,他是深有體會和感觸的。