
nonstop adj.不停的,不斷的;(列車、飛機等)直達的。 a n...


Hughes ' cell phone rang nonstop shortly after news of his promotion broke , and one of the callers was an old high school friend from california 在新聞發布后,休斯的手機響個不停,其中一位打來的就是加州的一外高中老友。

It ' s no surprising that you ' ll find hundreds of people gather together for 20 - minutes of nonstop laughing at a public park every morning in india 在印度幾百人早上聚集在公共場合連續不斷的大笑20分鐘決不是件稀罕的事。

Crowds gathered across the globe to listen to nonstop concerts with an eco - friendly message about global warming 全世界的人聚集在一起聆聽永無休止的音樂會,這個音樂會傳遞著環保的信息,告誡人們地球正不斷變暖。

Thank you for your smiles , your tears , your loves , and cheers , that keep us going nonstop . you ' re larger than life 感謝你們的微笑,你們的眼淚,你們的愛,你們的喝彩,這使我們永不放棄。你們比生命更重要!

Crowds gathered across the globe to listen to nonstop concerts with an eco - friendly message about global warming 世界各地人民齊聚一堂,聆聽一場旨在呼喚人們關注全球氣候變暖問題的不間斷環保音樂會。

Canada ' s business community has also been complaining nonstop about the conservative party ' s lack of an active attempt to associate with china 加拿大商業界也對保守黨政府未與中國積極交往抱怨不斷。

The program has been very successful in achieving a high rank , much of that is due to its ability to search nonstop 該程序在獲得高分方面已經非常成功了,這很大程度上歸功于它不間斷搜索的特性。

The company issues an announcement : to complete order form , work overtime everyday 2 hours , on saturday , nonstop on sunday 公司發出通知:為完成訂單,天天加班2個小時,星期六、星期天不休息。

Crowds gathered across the globe to listen to nonstop concerts with an eco - friendly message about global warming 遍及全球的觀眾都在傾聽不間歇的演唱會,演唱會傳播了關注全球暖化的和平信息。

But after 20 hours of nonstop debugging , sandstorm ' s navigational system is still failing in mystifying ways 但在經過20小時不停的除錯工作之后,沙塵暴的導航系統仍然因為莫名的原因而失靈。

Yet bauman ' s cell phone was suddenly ringing nonstop on monday , with word spreading that stojakovic was a requesting a trade 但是,布曼的手機突然響個不停,據說是斯托賈科維奇要求被交易。

However , my mother did not blame him . she continued to play master s video and audio tapes nonstop every day 但母親并沒有責怪父親,她只是和往常一樣,每天不停地播放師父的錄音帶和錄影帶。

However , opening my eyes , i found myself alone , only accompanied by the nonstop pit - a - pat . darkness reined the room 然而睜開眼睛,我只是一個人,四周就只有滴滴的雨聲.房里是一片黑暗

Eric : man , i ' m such a swmp that i downed as much booze as he does , i ' d be barfing my guts up nonstop 埃里克:嗨,我這人真沒用。要是我像他那樣喝那么酒,準會吐得翻腸倒肚的。

If a balloon could be made large enough , he speculated , then maybe a nonstop flight could be made to europe 他推測,如果能制造個很大的氣球,也許能夠中途不停地飛到歐洲。

The mountains in the himalayas are nonstop - - always covered with snow , even in summer , just less 喜馬拉雅山終年積雪,甚至在夏季也是如此,只是雪稍微少一點。

By 1914 , sophie tucker was a star , touring nonstop in the u . s . and europe 在1914年時,蘇菲?塔克已經成為一個大明星,并且在美國與歐洲進行馬不停啼的進行巡?演出。

The mountains in the himalayas are nonstop - always covered with snow , even in summer , just less 喜馬拉雅山終年積雪,甚至在夏季也是如此,只是雪稍微少一點。

Today , tourists can take nonstop flight from most of main european cities to reykjavik / keflavik 歐洲主要城市幾乎都有直達冰島雷克雅未克/凱夫拉維克的航線。