
nonstatic adj.1.非靜止的。2.【電學】無靜電荷的,靜電荷不積...


Reference in a static variable or data structure is clearly a no - no , but there are more subtle ways to allow a reference to escape construction , such as publishing a reference to a nonstatic inner class , or starting a thread from within a constructor which almost invariably entails publishing the reference to the new thread 引用保存在靜態變量或數據結構中,但是有更微妙的方式允許引用逃避構造,如公布對非靜態內部類的引用,或者從構造函數中啟動一個線程(這幾乎總是公布對新線程的引用) 。

Adopting high resolution nested grid project and proper physical parameter , a mei - yu heavy rain process during eight july 22 , 2002 and eight july 23 , 2002 and the meso - b - scale systems alongwith it , were simulated by use of psu / ncar meso - scale nonstatic numerical forecast model mm5 in this paper . the simulation result describes successfully the spatial and temporal distribution of this rain process and the developing course of the concomitant meso - ? - scale systems 本文利用psu ncar的中尺度非靜力數值預報模式mm5 ,采用高分辨率套網格方案和適當的物理過程,對2002年7月22日08時到23日08時的一次強梅雨暴雨過程和伴隨的中-尺度系統進行了數值模擬,結果很好地描述了本次暴雨降水的時空分布及相伴隨的中-尺度系統的發生發展過程。

It is possible to let the “ this “ reference escape without the word “ this “ appearing in your program ; publishing a nonstatic inner class instance has the same effect , because an inner class holds a reference to its enclosing object s “ this “ reference 如果“ this ”這個詞不會出現在程序中,就可讓“ this ”引用轉義;發布一個非靜態內部類實例可以達到相同的效果,因為內部類持有對它包圍的對象的“ this ”引用的引用。

A shallow copy creates a new instance of the same type as the original object , and then copies the nonstatic fields of the original object 淺表副本創建與原始對象具有相同類型的新實例,然后復制原始對象的非靜態字段。

However , placing an inheritance demand on any nonstatic method in the base class has the same effect as an inheritance demand on the class 然而,對基類中的任何非靜態方法提出繼承要求與對類提出繼承要求的效果相同。

This includes publishing references to nonstatic inner classes , and generally precludes starting threads from within a constructor 這包括發布對nonstatic內部類的引用,并一般要避免在構造函數中啟動線程。

Class object and the nonstatic method acquires the lock associated with the instance 對象的鎖,而非靜態方法要求屬于此類實例的鎖。

Nonstatic member function 非靜態成員函式

Is a nonstatic public mutator method of 帶一個或多個參數的

For an instance nonstatic method , property , or field 用于實例(非靜態)方法、屬性或字段。

Object , and then copying the nonstatic fields of the current 對象,然后將當前