
nonsensical adj.沒有意義[條理]的。


Applause we could live forever in this physical body . yes , practically speaking we could , because god made this physical body very durable , for eternity . it is just that we damage our environment ; we damage our body by overworking , by poisoning it with different kinds of intoxicants , and overtiring it with unnecessary activities and wearing out the mind by all kinds of nonsensical schemes and plans and negative thinking 事實上我們可以永遠活在這個肉體里面,我們真的可以,因為上帝把這個肉體做得很耐用,可以活到永遠,只是我們破壞了自己的環境,而且工作過度破壞了身體,用各種不同的酒和麻藥毒害它,用不必要的活動過度勞累我們的身體,又用各種沒有意義的權謀計劃和否定思想耗損我們的頭腦。

At first glance , with the crazy storyline and the promotional posters featuring a smiling shin ha - kyun , many people would expect it to be a nonsensical comedy , but the truth is just the opposite . this is a very dark movie that is filled with despair . byung - goo is definitely a tragic character 初聞電影的故事大綱和看過四款宣傳海報,只見申河均笑容滿面,感覺這是一出輕松的瘋狂喜劇,萬料不到原來剛剛相反,這其實是調子非常灰暗和絕望的電影,申河均飾演的年青人byung - goo ,切頭切尾是一個悲劇人物。

After much suffering , vietnam turned out well enough , regional dominoes did not all fall , and america went on to win the cold war anyway , not least because communism was a nonsensical and unloved system and the peoples on whom it had been foisted were eager to ditch it 歷經苦難后,越南當時的境況還算不錯,也未引發地區的多米諾骨牌效應, (注:當指美國所憂心的東南亞普遍“赤化” )而且美國最后還贏得了冷戰的勝利? ?這恐怕與共產主義本身即是個荒誕且被厭惡的制度、人們渴望從內部攻破其堡壘不無關系。

This means , then , that references to dimensions ? first , second , third , and fourth ? are ultimately nonsensical , but are used to penetrate and register with the linear dimensional nature of “ thinking , “ for the purpose of providing a bridge , if you will , to that which is beyond the three - dimensional perception of nondimensional being which thinking creates 這意謂著,那些次元性的思想架構:第一、第二、第三, “甚至”第四,終究來說都是毫無意義的,只是用來設法打入線性次元的“思考”模式,為的是要提供一座橋梁,連結那超越三次元知見的非次元的實存境界。

Even in buddhahood , they stand superior . i don t know why it is like that , and many of us still believe that , including women . it is a very nonsensical theory but nevertheless our society and our world has become worsened spiritually , emotionally , and morally because of this belief , because of discrimination , because of saying men are better than women , or even women are better than men 然后他們開始和女人爭斗,用盡方法告訴女人,說她們不好次等不能做太多事,甚至說女眾不能成佛,就連修行的果位,男人也要占盡優勢,我不知道為什么會如此,但是仍然有許多人相信,包括女人在內,這是非常荒謬的論調,由于有這種想法和歧視,說男人比女人優越,或女人比男人優越,才使得我們社會和世界在精神情感和道德方面都變得很糟糕。

Nettled not a little by l . boom as it incorrectly stated and the line of bitched type , but tickled to death simultaneously by c . p . m coy and stephen dedalus , b . a . , who were conspicuous , needless to say , by their total absence to say nothing of m intosh , l . boom pointed it out to his companion b . a . , engaged in stifling another yawn , half nervousness , not forgetting the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints 利布姆姑且照誤排的拼法以及整個一行排得一團糟的活字固然令人十分懊惱,同時查p .麥科伊和文學士斯蒂芬迪達勒斯正因為缺席,格外引人注目,這是用不著說的了穿膠布雨衣的人的事暫且不提。此事可把利布姆逗樂了,并指給那位文學士看,也沒忘記告訴他,報紙上經常出現的那些荒唐可笑的錯誤。

Although the plot structure and the story are not too inventive , it is nevertheless entertaining enough to keep the viewers engaged . as a crazy comedy , the gags in this movie are actually not too nonsensical . the focus is rather the relationships of the characters , by that i mean the love affairs between seung - wan and ji - young , the father and son relationship between seung - wan and his father , and the friendship between seung - wan and dai - shik kang sung - jin 因為一次意外,闖入一個離奇的世界,發現自己成為現任高爾夫世界冠軍,名利雙收但眾叛親離,而且還有一個不再愛他的妻子ji - young ha ji - won新進編導park yong - woon拍攝這個四平八穩的喜劇故事由頭到尾都保持一定的通俗娛樂性,縱使整體新意不強,豐富的劇情還是能夠讓觀眾看得投入。

However such situation will make influence on the function and the comfortable level , and cause the nonsensical increasing investment because of the designers “ overly taking the safety of structure and artistry into considerations , which is almost useless for such macro effectiveness as social and environmental effectiveness 我國長期以來形成的設計工作管理模式容易造成開發商因控制投資、追求利潤而降低建設標準,從而影響樓盤的功能和使用舒適程度。或者因設計師過分考慮結構安全或藝術效果,無謂加大投資。而對社會、環境等宏觀效益的兼顧幾乎沒有。

Master pointed out that god makes this body very durable to last for eternity , yet we damage it through overwork , or by poisoning it with various intoxicants or unnecessary activities , and even wearing out our minds by all kinds of nonsensical schemes , plans and negative thinking 師父提到上帝設計這個身體本來是很耐用的,可以長生不老,只可惜我們過度工作,或是用毒品殘害自己,或是浪費精神作無謂活動,甚至還用否定的思考無謂的計畫等等來消耗心力。

There really isn t any spectacular moment that can appeal me or make me laugh . similar to most of the recent nonsensical comedies in hong kong , the story of this film is quite pointless and episodic . lung ronald cheng is a bum and he is forced by his rich father to become a policeman 和近年一般港產喜劇一樣,影片故事極度反智和堆砌,大概講述有錢闊少威鄭中基被父親強逼投考警員,本來無心向上,但在警校遇上心儀女神憫情鄧麗欣,終決定發奮。

I little thought , said bliss pross , that i should ever want to understand your nonsensical language ; but i would give all i have , except the clothes i wear , to know whether you suspect the truth , or any part of it . neither of them for a single moment released the other s eyes “我才懶得聽你那瞎胡鬧的外國話呢, ”普洛絲小姐說, “不過為了知道你是否猜到了真象或許只猜到一部分,我倒愿意把我的一切都送給人除了這一身衣服之外。 ”

Besides , they ve done many nonsensical things and killed too many , which doesn t comply with god s rules . so their merit has been greatly reduced . god doesn t seem to take care of them much 而且現在做太多無聊的事情,殺生太多,跟上帝的法律都不配合,所以這個功德已經減少太多,上帝現在好像沒有很照顧他們,除了給他們很多錢外,就沒有給很多別的東西。

Although the plot structure and the story are not too inventive , it is nevertheless entertaining enough to keep the viewers engaged . as a crazy comedy , the gags in this movie are actually not too nonsensical 新進編導parkyong - woon拍攝這個四平八穩的喜劇故事由頭到尾都保持一定的通俗娛樂性,縱使整體新意不強,豐富的劇情還是能夠讓觀眾看得投入。

Is not a flawless work both in terms of the aesthetic and narrative structures , it is still highly recommended . it is because we are tired of nonsensical comedies ! we are tired of pop singer - turned actors 現在期望妖夜回廊正式公映時能夠獲得觀眾的認同,為香港獨立電影界增取應得的回報和尊重,也讓外人知道香港不是沒有富潛力和有抱負的電影人。

Contains a very positive message , but somehow with its title ( chinese ) , promotional posters and trailers , it might give the audience a feeling that it is just another nonsensical farce , and in fact , the same also happens to 因為在其宣傳片、海報、戲名,都給人這種胡鬧的印象,今次《大無謂》也是有這感覺,會否怕觀眾有所誤會?

While this catches a lot of errors , it doesn t help with scenarios where data processing is required in order to determine that something nonsensical , yet syntactically valid , has been written 雖然這種驗證能捕獲很多錯誤,但是對于需要進行數據處理以判斷是否編寫了不合情理而語法正確的內容這樣的場景,這種驗證就毫無幫助了。

Contains a very positive message , but somehow with its title chinese , promotional posters and trailers , it might give the audience a feeling that it is just another nonsensical farce , and in fact , the same also happens to 在賤精先生中,看過的觀眾都知道里面的訊息是很正面,但未看過時就可能覺得只是部無厘頭的笑片。

Instead of thinking all kinds of nonsensical things , you just concentrate . that s where your meditation is . you don t have to sit down and cross legs like the buddha ; you just lie there and concentrate 與其胡思亂想,不如專注集中,那也是你們可以打坐的地方,不一定要像佛陀那樣盤腿坐著你躺在那里,只要專心就行了。

And what kinds of nonsensical habits do many of our planet s people keep and still believe in , life after life , that one generation passes on to another generation 我們星球上多數人所保留的風俗習慣又是多么沒有意義!然而,這些人不但深信不疑,還世代相傳,不曾停下來好好想一想這些習俗多么不合情理!