
nonplus vt.(-plus(s)ed; -plus(s)ing)...


Make a comprehensive survey of the debate which about the building country , what its reports acutely is that intellectuals have different viewpoint to the development of the chinese economy arid society which being in nonplussed both at home and abroad 《獨立評論》周圍的知識分子從研究中國鄉村問題入手,思考中國經濟發展之路,提出一些解決中國鄉村問題的思路和措施,并對當時轟轟烈烈的鄉村建設運動提出不同的看法,引起時人對鄉村建設運動的質疑。

They had started to use xml as a base format for some of that data , but were nonplussed at the state of xml processing tools targeted at the enterprise , many of which seemed to strive to put distance between the business processes and the bare - bones , actual xml content 他們已經開始使用xml作為部分數據的基本格式,但是以企業為目標的xml處理工具的發展現狀令他們感到迷惑,看起來似乎正在拉大商業處理和本質的、真正的xml內容之間的距離。

Georges had not surprised zoe , who was used to all kinds of encounters , but the gardener , who brought the wood upstairs , was greatly nonplused at sight of this dripping gentleman to whom he was certain he had not opened the front door 佐愛看見喬治并不感到驚訝,因為她遇見過各種各樣的人,這一切她已習以為常了。可是,園丁送柴禾上樓時,見到這位渾身濕漉漉的先生,便愣在那兒,他沒有給這位先生開過門,這是肯定無疑的。

The king of heaven , watching his three guards from on high , was quite nonplussed about what had happened 對于這一切,高高在上的玉帝都看在眼里,但他真是丈八金剛,摸不頭腦。

She was nonplussed at the possibility of the errand being different from what she had thought 她想到這趟出門與她先前想的可能不一樣,一時間不知所措。

Really , i - “ i m so glad to see you , “ said carrie , pleased and yet nonplussed 真的,我- ” “看見你我太高興了, ”嘉莉說,既高興又為難。

He was afraid of being treated as a provincial if he showed himself too much nonplused 他怕自己顯得過分拘謹,別人會把他看成鄉巴佬。

The professor is never at a nonplus , and never perplexed by a problem 那位教授從來不會感到困惑,也不會被任何問題所難倒。

The next moment he was nonplussed by the readiness of his acceptance 他隨即感到為難了,怎么會答應得那么痛快。

Nonplussed for a moment, pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness . 帕格一時不知所措,而后意識到這種叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示親熱。

He was afraid of being treated as a provincial if he showed himself too much nonplussed . 他怕露出過于驚惶失措的樣子,會叫人家把他看成鄉巴佬。

Birkin approached, smiling wickedly at seeing ursula so nonplussed and frightened . 伯金慢慢靠過來,看到尤索拉窘迫害怕的樣子,幸災樂禍地笑了。

He was greatly nonplussed and uncertain for the moment as to what his next step would be . 他當時非常狼狽、惶惑,不知道第二步怎么辦。

Cowperwood was disturbed, nonplussed at this unexpected sight . 柯帕烏一看見這種意外的情景,就感到心煩意亂,不知所措。

She was hurt, angry, nonplussed . 她感到傷心、氣憤和狼狽。