
nonnuclear adj.非核的。n.非核國家,只擁有常規武器的國家。 n...


Nonnuclear alternatives to these technologies may well be able to achieve most , if not all , of the same ends with far less incidental risk ? not just political and human , but military as well 非核武科技替代方案或許可以達成大致相同的結果(雖然無法完全相同) ,但附帶的風險低得多,不僅對政治和民眾,在軍事方面也是一樣。

To partially compensate for less destructive power , however , engineers can design earth - penetrating technology that allows a nonnuclear warhead to dive deeper and detonate closer to its target 不過為了盡量彌補破壞力較小的缺憾,工程師可以設計出特殊的鉆地技術,讓非核彈頭更深入地下,接近目標后引爆。

But further advances in the power of nonnuclear explosives will be incremental and so are unlikely to deliver the sheer power of even a one - kiloton nuclear device 但是非核炸藥在威力方面很難大幅提高,因此不大可能具備核子武器的強大威力,甚至連1000噸級核彈的威力都做不到。

The complications from atomic fallout naturally raise the question of whether any nonnuclear alternative could destroy deeply buried bunkers 核子落塵造成的復雜問題必然讓人想到,是否有核彈以外的替代方案可以摧毀深埋地下的掩體。