
nonhuman adj.非人類的;不屬于人類的。


Through various exhibits including hands - on models , interactives , animations , video case studies and forums , it explains basic genetics , describes the wealth of information contained in human and nonhuman genomes , and explores how the genomic revolution will affect our health , the food we eat , our life spans , our privacy , our criminal justice system , and the prospects for our children and grandchildren 透過不同類型的展品,包括模型互動展品動畫真實個案的影片和討論,以解釋基本的遺傳學,描述人類和非人類的基因組所蘊含的豐富資料,以及探究基因革命如何影響我們的健康所進食的食物我們的壽命隱私司法制度,和我們子孫的未來。

In the end , the thesis made some suggestions of building defense technology innovation ’ s property rights incentive institutions including knowledge property rights incentive institutions , human capital technovation subjects ’ incentive institutions and nonhuman capital technovation subjects ’ incentive institutions 在此基礎上,本文從知識產權激勵制度、人力資本產權激勵制度、非人力資本產權激勵制度以及配套措施的完善等方面提出了構建國防科技創新的產權激勵制度的對策性建議。

With regard to the humanistic foundation of axiology , what we really need is not the argument that “ human being is the identifier of value and the ultimate basis of axiological decision “ , but the approach to the relationship both between human beings and between human and nonhuman in making axiological judgments and decisions 摘要對哲學價值論研究的人學基礎來說,真正需要研究論證的,不是“人是一切價值的認定者、是一切價值取向的最高根據” ,而是如何處理價值判斷與價值取向中的人內部的關系,以及如何處理價值判斷與價值取向中的人與非人的關系。

The viewpoints of cassart and lyotard represent two different ages . “ nonhuman “ is an attribute of the era of division and alienation . “ the nonhuman person “ is actually “ the newcomer “ who wants to continue to look at the world with the “ innocent eye “ like children , with the primitive perspective like “ barbarians “ and with the cognition like animals . “ nonhuman “ is the mirror of human “非人”的出現是分裂和異化時代的必然現象,現代藝術中的“非人”是那些努力用兒童的“天真之眼” 、 “野蠻人”的原始視角和動物的感覺來觀照世界的“新人” 。

The article develops the idea that consumers ' perceptions of price ( un ) fairness can be influenced by whether the source of price information is human , such as a salesperson or a customer representative , or nonhuman , such as a price tag or a computer 本文發展了以下思想:消費者對價格公平的感知,既可以被作為價格信息源的人所影響,比如銷售人員或者顧客代表,又可以被非人的信息源所影響,比如價目表或者計算機。

Others ( including my colleagues and me ) subsequently revealed the birth of new neurons , a phenomenon called neurogenesis , in the brains of adult birds , nonhuman primates and humans [ see “ new nerve cells for the adult brain , ” by gerd kempermann and fred h 幾個研究團隊指出,成年動物腦部與脊髓神經細胞的軸突(或主要分枝) ,在受傷后還可以復原到某種程度。

Property rights incentive institutions ’ system is composed of property rights incentive institutions , human capital technovation subjects ’ incentive institutions and nonhuman capital technovation subjects ’ incentive institutions 產權激勵制度的體系由知識產權激勵制度、人力資本產權激勵制度和非人力資本產權激勵制度三部分組成。

Nature reserve is a valuable gift from nature to our human beings . it is necessary for the maintenance of biological diversity , and crucial for the support of human and nonhuman life 所以,自然保護區的建設應該被看作是環境保護事業不可或缺的一項基礎建設工作,建立一個較為完備的自然保護區體系對一個國家的可持續發展意義重大。

Curiously , as 50 - day - old fetuses , chimps and other nonhuman primates have brains just as large as humans and thus seem to have comparable embryonic potential for extensive brain growth 教人好奇的是,無論黑猩猩還是其他非人類靈長類,發育了50天的胚胎,大腦都與人類的一樣大,因此大腦在?們的胚胎里似乎也有大幅增長的潛力。

Genetic control is critical for maintaining variability and avoidance of inbreeding , ensuring the long - term viability of captive nonhuman primate colonies 對非人靈長類動物種群實行遺傳學控制,對于維持種群的遺傳多樣性,提高動物長期的生存力和繁殖率,滿足醫學生物學實驗需要具有現實意義。

Because neither chimpanzees nor any of the other 220 species of nonhuman primates have whites of the eyes , at least not that can be easily seen 因為黑猩猩,乃至其它220種非人靈長類動物都沒有眼白,或者說至少沒有明顯的眼白。

Because neither chimpanzees nor any of the other 220 species of nonhuman primates have whites of the eyes , at least not that can be easily seen 因為黑猩猩,乃至其他220種靈長類動物都沒有眼白,或者說至少沒有明顯的眼白。

Several birds and nonhuman mammals , for instance , are much better problem solvers than others : elephants , dolphins , parrots , crows 鳥類與哺乳類就有幾種出類拔萃,很會解決問題,像是大象、海豚、鸚鵡、烏鴉。

The question of “ nonhuman “ originates from human when he meditates himself on all his possibility and infinity “非人”是人之鏡, “非人”的產生根源于人對自身的無限性的省思, “非人”的問題就是人的問題。

Living a truly compassionate life requires that we do not eat , wear , or otherwise use or enslave nonhuman and human animals alike 一個真正慈悲的人是不吃或穿戴其他眾生的肉或皮毛。

There are a number of reasons why reseachers in this field frequently choose to conduct their experiments with nonhuman subjects 為什么科研人員在實驗中不選用人作為實驗對象。

Genetic control is an important component of the general management of nonhuman primate colonies 摘要遺傳學控制在非人靈長類動物人工繁殖種群諸多管理環節具有至關重要的作用。

In an earlier study , genotype 1 he recombinant protein accine was shown to be effectie in nonhuman primates 在一項較早的研究中, he基因型1重組蛋白疫苗對非人類靈長目有效。

As members of the family of light , the reincarnation experience of yourself includes nonhuman forms 作為光家族成員,你們自己的化身經驗包括非人類形態。