
noncommittal adj.(態度、觀點等)不明朗的,不表明意見的;不承擔義...


Aimed at the chaos situation and different attitudes to implicated offense and its noncommittal foreground in development , i make a integrated dissertation , which is divided into seven parts and about 47 , 000 words , on implicated offense from its history , its status and the research on its expansion , the purpose of which is to attract necessary attention in the circles of criminal law 針對立法上的混亂狀況和理論上的莫衷一是以及牽連犯理論發展并不明朗的前景,筆者試圖從牽連犯的歷史沿革、地位、拓展研究等方面作一綜合論述。本文分為七部分,約四萬七千字左右。管中之見,以期引起刑法學界對牽連犯理論的關注。

Ex quibus , stephen mumbled in a noncommittal accent , their two or four eyes conversing , christus or bloom his name is , or , after all , any other , secundum carnem . - of course , mr bloom proceeded to stipulate , you must look at both sides of the question “他們是族長們的子孫, ”斯蒂芬用模棱兩可的的腔調說,他們的兩只或四只眼睛相互望著, “按照身世說,基督也罷,叫布盧姆也罷,或是不論叫什么名字,跟他們同族。

As he has been the last three seasons , clemens was noncommittal on his future as a player 在最近的三個球季,老克對于自己是否會繼續在大聯盟的球員生涯都是維持含糊的態度

I asked him if he approved of our plan , but he was noncommittal 我問他是否贊同我們的計劃,但他態度不明朗。

The white house spokesman was noncommittal on this question 白宮發言人對這個問題不置可否。

I asked him to vote for me but he was noncommittal 我請他投我一票,可是他仍模?兩可的。

Observing , noncommittal , noninvasive in any way 只是靜靜的觀察絕無侵略性

Heit's large eyes bulged and conveyed hints of much more than was implied by his noncommittal opening remark . 海特鼓起大眼睛,這比他那篇模棱兩可的開場白含義要深得多了。

The voice on the radio was suave and noncommittal . 收音機里的聲音溫和而平靜。

He was evasive and noncommittal . 他閃閃爍爍,不肯說明確。