
nomadism n.游牧[流浪]生活;【生物學】漫游(現象)。


Suffered from the natural environmental development and the humans inconsequential activities , maowusu sandy land in the history has undergone the reiterative change of “ the nomad way of life is the main - nomadism as well as agriculture - agriculture is the main “ 受自然環境動態變化與人類不合理活動的影響,歷時時期毛烏素沙地的土地利用和經濟方式發生過“游牧為主亦牧亦農農耕為主”的反復變化。

The conclusions are as follows : 1 the mongolian decorative pattern is a nation tradition , a great variety , vividness , utility , abundant implication and meaning , showed the combination of buddhism , nomadism etc literature 通過研究得出以下結論: 1蒙古族圖案是中華民族優秀藝術傳統,種類繁多、形象生動、實用性強,有深刻的思想內涵和精神寓意。

They continued to move westward and gradually transited from nomadism to settlement for the cultivation of agriculture 鐵勒是西突厥汗國的一部分,于7世紀建立了回紇汗國,與唐朝保持友好的從屬關系。

It should be cavalry jian . the copper nail on grip has nomadism style 應為巴爾干地區斯拉夫人的騎兵用劍。刀柄的銅釘具有顯著的游牧風格。

Another dimension of flexibility and mobility ? or the end of nomadism 是另一種彈性和移動?還是標志著游牧的結束?