
noisy adj.(noisier; -iest)1.(人、地方等...


It will be a bit noisy , but i ' d rather staying here 雖然有點吵,我還是愿意留在這兒

He is noisy , but otherwise a nice boy 他愛吵鬧,但在其他方面倒是個好孩子。

Ahead of the couple ran two noisy boys 兩個喧鬧的男孩- a軸到一對夫婦的前面。

Noisy traffic threatens our peaceful way of life 車輛的噪音威脅著我們的寧靜生活。

The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema 吵鬧的年青人都已從影院被逐出去了。

Oooh , it was so crowded and noisy coming from delhi 從德里過來的時候又擠又吵

She ' s direct , warm , noisy and uninhibited too 她直接,熱情,大聲喧嘩,百無禁忌。

It ' s so fucking noisy i can ' t sleep . i have to move Tmd的吵的我睡不著覺我要搬家

The teacher told us not to be so noisy in the class 老師告訴我們不要在班上吵鬧。

It ' s . it ' s like these tiny , noisy , little pinpoints 是.是一種細小的,嘈雜的小點

He is not used to living in such a noisy city 他不習慣住在這么吵鬧的城市里。

Can you change the room for me ? it ' s too noisy 能給我換個房間嗎?這兒太吵了。

Say again please because the radio a bit noisy 請再說一遍,因無線電有一點噪音。

I wish those noisy children would sober down 我希望那些鬧哄哄的孩子們靜下來。

Man , like , this whole big , beautiful , noisy world 這個大千世界,美麗,而又嘈雜

Mr. archibald was embarrassed by the madwoman's clinging to the carriage, and detaining around them her noisy and mischievous attendants . 阿奇博爾德先生看到一個女瘋子緊緊地抓住馬車不肯放手,而四周圍著一大群吵吵嚷嚷的胡鬧的觀眾,弄得莫名其妙。

The traffic became denser and their boat more crowded, with artisans, clerks, noisy girls, going eastwards to rotherhithe and deptford . 人流越來越密,他們乘的船上更擁擠了,有工匠,職員和嘰嘰喳喳說話的姑娘們,他們去東邊的羅瑟希特和德特福。

Hegglund, as he could see, was vain and noisy and foolisha person who could be taken in and conciliated by a little flattery . 他看得出,赫格倫愛虛榮,吵吵鬧鬧,糊里糊涂,一頂高帽子就能叫他上當,把他抓在手掌心里。

He paused, therefore, at some distance from the table occupied by these noisy revellers, and began to make a sort of apology for their licence . 因此他在離那些吵鬧的座客好幾步的地方站住,為他們的放肆說了幾句道歉的話。