
node n.1.節;結;瘤;【蟲類】結脈。2.【植物;植物學】莖...


The zero - based depth of the tree node in the 控件中的樹視圖的深度(從零開始) 。

Items inside a flow node are executed in parallel Flow節點內的項是并行執行的。

Discusses how to insert nodes into an xml document 討論如何將節點插入xml文檔。

To the root node that the current node belongs to 移動到當前節點所屬的根節點。

The insertdata ( ) method inserts data to a text node 方法將數據插入文本節點中。

Is successful moving to the child node ; otherwise , 成功地移動到此子節點,則返回

In a network , a route between any two nodes 網絡中任意兩個網點之間的一段路由。

An additional factor which plays apart in estimation of the values at the grid nodes is weighting to be placed on the different data values located by the nearest neighbor search . 在估計網絡結點值時,部分起用以另一個因素及對最鄰近點搜尋中找出的不同數據值所給的權。

An “atrially triggered“ pacemaker can pick up the signals directly from the sa node and strengthen them before passing them to the ventricles . 一種“心房觸發式心博器”就能從竇房結直接接收這種信號,并在傳送到心房去之前還能將這種信號進行放大。

An increase in extracellular potassium does in fact shift the pacemaker within the sinus node from the cephalic to the caudal portion . 細胞外液鉀的增高確實能使竇房結內的起博點從頭側移向尾側。

Comparative studies between the sinus node and the atrioventricular node have revealed relatively few histological differences . 對竇房結和房室結進行比較研究表明,它們在組織學上只有少許差異。

A collection of loops is said to be nontouching if no two of the loops have a node in common . 對于一個回路的集合來講,如果其中任意兩個回路之間都沒有一個公共的節點,則稱這個集合是互不接觸的。

This is particularly important when the conducting tissues between the sa node and the ventricles fail only from time to time . 尤其在竇房結和心房之間的傳導組織有時發生故障時這點尤為重要。

The cervical, mediastinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes were extremely enlarged, edematous and rarely congested . 頸部淋巴結,縱隔淋巴結和腸余膜淋巴結極度增大,水腫,罕見性充血。

Infected mandibular, parotid and anterior cervical nodes usually cause subcutaneous induration and surface bulging . 感染的下頜,耳下和頸前淋巴結,通常引起皮下硬結和表面突起。

A computer algorithm is used to find the minimum travel time between all consumer nodes and all bank locations . 利用計算機程序找出所有消費者點和所有銀行點間的最少往來時間。

The s-a node is often called the pacemaker of the heart because it establishes the basic rhythm at which the heart beats . S-A結由于建立了心跳的基本節律,故常稱為起搏點。

He clambered up by grasping the vines that circled about the tree, using the nodes of the trunk for his footholds . 他抓住纏繞在樹上的藤蔓;踩著樹干上的疤癤攀了上去。

We observe that in the case of ideal voltage sources, equation required for the node method breaks down . 我們注意到在存在理想電源的情況下,節點分析法的方程就失敗了。