
noctilucent adj.夜間發光的。


One of these missions , a satellite called aeronomy of ice in the mesosphere , or aim , was launched in april to study so - called noctilucent clouds ( depicted above ) , the highest layer of clouds in the atmosphere 任務其一,今年4月該局發射了一顆名為“中層大氣高空冰探測” (簡稱aim )的衛星以研究所謂的夜光云(如上圖所示)這是大氣層中最高處的云層。

Caption : : noctilucent clouds is the name “ night - shinning clouds “ in latin , as its name suggest , it glow in electric bluw in deep twilight 夜光云屬于罕有的大氣現象,首次于1885年被發現,顧名思義,是一層在夜間發光的云。

Noctilucent clouds are ragged extensions of a more widespread and more permanent layer which forms over the summer polar area at the mesopause . 夜光云是在夏季極地中圈頂之上形成的更廣泛更持久的層的參差不齊的延伸。