nobly adv.1.崇高,高貴,出身于貴族。2.華美,宏偉,壯麗...
adv. 1.崇高,高貴,出身于貴族。 2.華美,宏偉,壯麗。 3.豁達,豪爽。 短語和例子a deed nobly done 宏偉業績。 be nobly born 出身高貴。 nobly-clad attendants 服飾豪華的侍者。 The nobly born must nobly do. 出身高尚者行為也應高尚。 “thoughts nobly expressed“ 中文翻譯: 表現崇高的思想“nobman; norman“ 中文翻譯: 耳環“noblot“ 中文翻譯: 諾布洛“nobn“ 中文翻譯: 梗阻性腸壞死“noblitt“ 中文翻譯: 諾布利特“nobo“ 中文翻譯: 諾博“nobling“ 中文翻譯: 諾布林“noboa“ 中文翻譯: 諾沃阿; 諾沃亞“noblia“ 中文翻譯: 諾夫利亞“nobodvorszky“ 中文翻譯: 諾博德沃斯基“noble’s outfit“ 中文翻譯: 貴族服裝
nobody |
As proven by their past experiences , many of our fellow initiates , after being tempered by master , have been reborn , becoming stronger both within and without , and able to fully use their potential to accomplish tasks that they have never attempted before . all of these volunteer initiates continually bear in mind master s teachings , and are willing to try thinking and acting nobly 從過去的經驗證明,許多師兄姊經歷明師的洗煉后,整個人脫胎換骨由內而外地碩壯淋漓發揮潛在力量去完成他們從不曾做過的事,并謹記師父的教導以菩薩心菩薩行來自我期許。 |
Aims to create water - like skin , silky and slim body , precious beauty and pure naive properties for every woman , ; just like the meaning of the name lucy belle stands for lucy means the one who brings hopes and intelligence , while belle means the beautiful person , the one who is nobly bright , we determine to make every woman shinny - beautiful aesthetically in every aspect 要為所有的女性朋友,打造露珠般的水漾肌膚、絲綢般的柔順纖體、貝殼般的珍貴美麗、兒時般的自然純真,量身訂做專屬每位女性的真美女人,幫助每位真美女人完成永遠青春美麗的夢想。 |
My first view of it shall be in front , i determined , where its bold battlements will strike the eye nobly at once , and where i can single out my master s very window : perhaps he will be standing at it - he rises early : perhaps he is now walking in the orchard , or on the pavement in front “我第一眼看到的應是府第的正面, ”我心里很有把握, “那里雄偉醒目的城垛會立刻撲入眼簾那里我能認出我主人的那扇窗子,也許他會佇立窗前他起得很早。也許他這會兒正漫步在果園里,或音前面鋪筑過的路上。 |
She said that the count had died , as she would wish to die herself , that his end had been not simply touching , but edifying ; that the last interview of the father and son had been so touching that she could not recall it without tears ; and that she did not know which had behaved more nobly in those terrible moments : the father , who had remembered everything and every one so well at the last , and had said such moving words to his son ; or pierre , whom it was heartbreaking to see , so utterly crushed was he , though he yet tried to conceal his grief , so as not to distress his dying father 她說,伯爵正如她意料中的情景那樣去世了,他的死不僅頗為感人,而且可資垂訓。父子最后一次的會面竟如此感人,以致一想起此事她就會痛哭流涕,她不曉得在這令人可怖的時刻,父子二人中誰的行為表現更為出色,是在臨終的時候對所有的事情和所有的人一一回顧并對兒子道出感人的話的父親呢,還是悲慟欲絕為使死在旦夕的父親不致于難受而隱藏自己內心的憂愁的令人目睹而憐惜的皮埃爾。 “ cestpenible , maiscelafaitdu |
Romantic is something that is very sacred , very noble , very poetic in the air , which we ourselves generate from within our heart when we feel very loving , very peaceful , very kind , very gentle , and we feel so good about everything , about everyone around us . we walk slowly , we talk gently , we think very , very nobly and poetically 是一種很神圣很高雅很有詩意的氣氛,當我們很有愛心很平靜友好溫柔的時候,我們內心深處會產生這種氣氛,我們對身邊的人和事也都會很滿意,我們步履輕緩談話優雅思想高雅而有詩意,那就是我所說的 |
It was a large , stately apartment , with purple chairs and curtains , a turkey carpet , walnut - panelled walls , one vast window rich in stained glass , and a lofty ceiling , nobly moulded . mrs . fairfax was dusting some vases of fine purple spar , which stood on a sideboard 這是個氣派不凡的大房間,紫色的椅子,紫色的窗簾,土耳其地毯,墻上是胡挑木做的鑲板,一扇巨大無比的窗,裝配了色彩豐富的染色玻璃,天花板很高,澆鑄得宏偉壯麗。 |
Clifford was a coming man ; and it was remarkable what a sound publicity instinct he had . in the end michaelis did him most nobly in a play , and clifford was a sort of popular hero . till the reaction , when he found he had been made ridiculous 還有一層便是蔑克里斯曾把他在一出劇本里描寫得偉大高貴,使克利福成了一種大眾的英雄直至他發覺了自己實在是受人嘲弄了的時候為止。 |
You ' re right , the education may enable the human also to have the enhancement in the thought , pondered in the personal character also has a sudden enlightenment , slowly causes individual sentiment also to change nobly 說得對,教育可以使人在思維上也有所提高,細想品德上也有所頓悟,慢慢的使個人情操也變得高尚。 |
It is for us the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 相反地,我們活著的人,應該獻身于勇士們未竟的工作,那些曾在此地戰斗過的人們已經把這項工作英勇地向前推進了。 |
It is for us the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work , which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 相反地,我們活著的人,應該獻身于勇士們未竟的工作,那些曾在此戰斗過的人們已經把這項工作英勇地向前推進了。 |
It is for us the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 毋寧說,倒是我們這些還活著的人,應該在這里把自己奉獻于勇士們已經如此崇高地向前推進但尚未完成的事業。 |
It is for us , the living , rather to be dedicated here , to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 更重要的是,我們這些還活著的人,應該在這里把自己奉獻于勇士們英勇地向前推進但尚未完成的事業。 |
It is for us , the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 毋寧說,我們這些活著的人應當就此獻身于在這里戰斗過的勇士們以崇高的精神推進而又未竟的事業。 |
It is for us , the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work , which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 我們今天在這里說的話,世人不會注意,也不會記住,但是這些英雄的業績,人們將永志不忘。 |
It is for us the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 相反,我們活著的人應該獻身于那些曾在此作戰的人們所英勇推動而尚未完成的工作。 |
And go nobly on in your power , because you are good and true and without pride ; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear 為真理,謙卑,公義,赫然坐車前往,無不得勝。你的右手必顯明可畏的事。 |
It is for us , the living , rather , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced 這更要求我們這些活著的人去繼續英雄們為之戰斗并使之前進的未竟事業。 |
Gorgeous buddha statues , illuminated at night , stand nobly at the corners of many streets in capital city of colombo 在首都可倫坡的街頭巷尾,處處可見輝煌的佛像聳立,一到晚間,這些佛的燈在夜幕中閃閃發光。 |
Nobly sound result and simple makings , still make you give full play to all sorts of imagination 聽“印象”的音樂,就好象是在聽自己心靈深處的聲音,是自己心底的那個似曾相識的老朋友般自己的聲音。 |