
ninny n.笨人,傻子。


But now , from what little i ve seen of them , they strike me as a pack of ninnies , most of them , and ninety percent of the remainder as bores 可現在,在我跟他們作了短暫的接觸之后,他們給我的印象卻是:大部分都是笨蛋,剩下的人中百分之九十都是討厭鬼。

There would always be time enough to patch all that up if that ninny of a count muffat were really to treat her as joseph did potiphar s wife 要拴住這個家伙,什么時候都行,如果吝嗇鬼繆法伯爵肯定像約瑟那樣不動心的話。

Then in a serious tone she declared : “ it doesn t pay , dear boy , to look like a ninny with one s wife the first night . 接著,她一本正經地說道: “親愛的,新婚之夜,在老婆面前傻頭傻腦的,這樣可不適當。 ”

Thereupon she gave vent to any expression that occurred to her . yes , oh yes , she wasn t a ninny - she could see clearly enough 是的,是的,她并不是傻瓜,她看得很清楚,吃夜宵的時候,大家都瞧不起她。

I drather work with someone who s good at their job but doesn t likeme , than someone who likes me but is a ninny 我寧愿和不喜歡我但工作出色的人一起工作,而不愿和喜歡我但卻是個白癡的人一起工作。

At the moment , all of people at home stared at the door rigidly , as if a group of ninnies was expecting a miracle 這幾秒鐘,屋里的人都呆呆地盯著門口,像一群傻子在盼望一個奇跡。

Miss catherine , as the ninny calls her , will discover his value , and send him to the devil “凱瑟琳小姐這呆子是這樣稱呼她的,會發現他的價值,就把他丟開了。

But some still don t hear me though . you re too ninny not to hear me , yo . so now you know . . 可知我仍期望活在昨日可補救面對無奈歲月流逝已不可再追

What a great ninny that zizi was to be taking on so about nothing at all 這個治治,真是一個大傻瓜,為了一點點小事,竟自尋了那么多的煩惱!

As for the rest , they were numskulls , ninnies , superficial , dogmatic , and ignorant 其他的人全都是些蠢材,笨蛋,又淺薄,又武斷,又無知。

Don ' t be such a ninny 別這麼傻里傻氣的

She was very keen on it , you understand , but he , the ninny , didn t know it 其實,她在這方面的欲望很強烈,你知道嗎。

Out of the way , you ninny 滾開…你這笨蛋

In recent years ninny cities are faced with the problem of heavy traffic 近年來,許多城市都面臨著交通擁擠這個問題。

Come out and fight , ye wee ninny 來啊,放馬過來啊。

The east to shanhaiguan ' s folk ideology in ninny ' s story of old north - east 舊東北傻子故事里的關東民間意識

Well , my son ' s finally getting married , and the girl ' s a ninny 我的兒子終于要結婚了那女的是個傻子

No , buddy , you ' re not cotton - headed ninny - muggins 不,巴迪,你并非什么頭腦軟綿綿,十足大笨蛋

You ' re not a cotton - headed ninny - muggings 你并非棉花頭,大笨蛋