
ninja n.〔日語〕“忍者”〔指受過間諜訓練等的日本武士〕。

ninja turtle

This is the ninja star l trained with when l was your age 這是我在健一主公你這個年紀時修行用的飛鏢

Your ninja can ' t stay hidden 只有這樣你的忍者就會出現了吧

A tokugawa spywants to hire a ninja 德川幕府想雇一個武士

You ' re breaking yiur ninja code 你違反了忍者最重要的的戒律

What about the ninja girl and the monk 那個女忍者和憎侶呢

Hold your tongue ! you ' re a mere ninja 住口!你僅僅是個武士

But , you know , he might drive a ninja 但是,也許他會開忍者的

The lga ninja f aces extinction 再這樣下去伊賀忍者就要絕跡了

The dead villagers and koga ninja will never rest in peace .死去的村民和古賀的武士們都不會瞑目

Where l learned a lot about ninja 而且了解了很多關于忍者的事情

We can ' t remain ninja . and still survive 為了生存就不能做忍者了

We ninja struggle to survive in tiday ' s wirld 作為忍者要生存在現代這個社會的確不容易啊,服部

The ninja must have killed them by order ofthe lord 那個武士一定是受了某個首領之命而殺了那些

So , are you a pair of ninja assassins 那么,你們是一對忍者殺手

But does that ninja know that after the retainers were killed 但是那個武士知道殺了那些侍從后

“ training ? < i > ' < / i > ' yiu lga ninja are so out - of - date 修行?還是跟以前一樣那么落伍呢,伊賀忍者

And yet our arch rivals . the koga ninja 而我們的主要對手甲賀忍者

We can ' t remain ninja . . . and still survive 為了生存就不能做忍者了

I ' m calling a koga ninja bird that ' s in this village 我在召喚古賀武士隊在這個村子里的一只鳥