
ninetieth n.第九十,九十分之一。


From the last century ninetieth , microprocessor relay protection technology has been rapidly developed and widely used in our country . it has become an inevitably flow and trend in the development of relay protection technology . but there are scarce experimental devices of microprocessor relay protection at present in our country and the devices which are being used have the defect of function single , inconvenient , and high cost etc . based on this condition , an experimental and training system for the multifunctional microprocessor relay protection and substation integrated automation is explored and developed in this paper 從上個世紀九十年代起微機繼電保護技術在我國得到了快速的發展和廣泛的應用并已成為繼電保護技術發展不可逆轉的潮流和趨勢,但是微機保護實驗設備的開發在我國幾乎是一片空白,僅有的微機保護實驗設備也存在著功能單一、體積大、成本高等諸多缺點,基于這一現狀,本文著力研究和開發一種多功能微機保護與變電站綜合自動化實驗培訓系統。

At any time thereafter any such extension shall be made by notification addressed to the secretary - general of the united nations and shall take effect as from the ninetieth day after the day of receipt by the secretary - general of the united nations of this notification , or as from the date of entry into force of the convention for the state concerned , whichever is the later 2在簽署批準或加入本公約之后作出這種擴延,應該通知聯合國秘書長,并從聯合國秘書長接到通知之后九十日起生效,或從本公約對該國生效之日起生效,二者以較晚者為準。

The market of this kind of health - care textile with unique functions was not set up in china mainland until the end of the ninetieth . it has remarkable effect on treatment of chronic disease , cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and middle and old age degenerative 在中國大陸90年代末才逐步形成這一獨特功能紡織品保健市場,它對各種慢性疾病,心腦血管疾病,中老年退行性疾病治療效果非常顯著。

For each state ratifying or acceeding to this convention after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification or accession , this convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after deposit by such state of its instrument of ratification or accession 2在第三個國家交存批準書或加入書以后,本公約從每個國家交存批準書或加入書后九十日對該國生效。

It should be owed to the development of high & new technology industry to a great extent that american economy turned up ten years “ prosperities after entering the ninetieth era of last century 美國經濟在進入上世紀90年代后出現了10年的繁榮,很大程度上歸功于高新技術產業的發展。

The distinguished old man was being interviewed by a journalist . “ i understand , sir , ” said the journalist , “ that you have just celebrated your ninetieth birthday 記者在采訪一位尊貴的老者。記者說: “先生,我知道您剛剛過了九十大壽。 ”

Article xii 1 . this convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification or accession 1本公約從第三個國家交存批準書或加入書之日后九十日起生效。

As the byproduct of business behavior lots of immoral cases have happened since the ninetieth of the twentieth century 企業營銷面對這一全新的問題,必須做出全面的、正確的反應。

This agreement shall enter into force on the ninetieth ( 90 ) day following the date of receipt of the last notification 本協定將自收到后一方通知之日后第九十天起生效。