
nilometer n.【工業】水位計。


Nilometer is widely used in the system of automatic detection and automation in many water supply such as oil industry , chemical industry , metallurgy industry , electric power , irrigation works , reservoir , bulk plant , pumping station , towns water and so on . and it is a important tool in these fields 水位、閘位計廣泛應用于石油、化工、冶金、電力、水利、水庫、油庫、泵站、城市供水等領域的自動檢測和控制系統中,是這些領域不可缺少的一種重要工具。

This subject is finished according to the development of sw2000 that is a kind of intellective nilometer 本課題主要圍繞sw2000型智能水(閘)位計的研制來開展工作。

This is the famous nilometer by which water levels in the river nilo were noted . 這就是著名的尼羅河儀。用它測星尼羅河的水位。